
  • 网络Channel Positioning
  1. 传播渠道的“定位”,擅长,与配套的创意方式为何?

    What should be the positioning of communication channels , strengths and supporting creative methods ?

  2. 户外媒体主,自身媒体的位置与特性,传播渠道的“定位”,擅长,与配套的创意方式为何?

    For outdoor media owners , what are their locations , characteristics , positioning of communication channels , strengths and supporting creative methods ?

  3. 同时,换季产品有相当大的价格吸引力也与品牌企业原有销售渠道的产品定位有了差别,相互间不会产生冲突。

    At the same time , there is considerable seasonal product prices are attractive to corporate brands and marketing channels of the original product has been positioning difference between them will not be in conflict .

  4. 文章提出了推进金融产品创新拓展融资渠道,把握市场定位和完善行业管理体系等建议。

    This paper put forward some suggestions on the promotion of financial production , the development of financing sources , and the improvement of management system of industry .

  5. 在这种背景下,本文从江苏移动渠道建设的功能定位、结构模式、激励控制三方面入手,给出了江苏移动在进行渠道整合时的具体意见与建议。

    Under the circumstance , the paper gives the suggestion about marketing distribution management Jiangsu Mobile , from the aspect of function position , structure pattern and stimulation controlling .

  6. 其次从制造商的销售方式与选择、销售渠道整体架构、销售渠道的控制方式和销售渠道功能定位四大方面探讨如何搞好销售渠道决策;

    Secondly , discusses how to make good policies in the marketing channel from four major aspect , manufacturers ' marketing method and choosing , marketing channel frame , controlling and function of marketing channel ;

  7. 房地产营销渠道的选择要以顾客的需求为核心,考虑渠道定位、顾客购买行为、产品的特性,与渠道成员的信息沟通及渠道的赢利能力,以保证销售渠道有效运转。

    The core of real estate channel choice for marketing is the needs of customers , and channel position 、 consumer behavior 、 product characteristic 、 communication with channel broker and the capability of making profit are considered in order to ensure sales channel operate effectively .

  8. 渠道成员创新&房地产产品销售中介的创新、中间商选择方式创新、物业管理企业在房地产产品营销渠道中的再定位;

    Innovation in channel members & innovation of marketing agency of realty products , the way of choosing realty marketing middleman , reorientation of property management enterprise in marketing channel system ;