- 名Standard Chartered Bank;charter company

A recent research report by Standard Chartered Bank highlights the problems of the smaller private businesses .
They have joined seven traditional Asian brands , including Standard Chartered Bank and Toyota , but have already overtaken them in value .
Standard Chartered may be down , but it is certainly not out .
In 2011 , HSBC was the dim sum market leader , followed by Standard Chartered Bank .
Standard Chartered reports that sales are down 60 per cent in 14 big cities .
Banks that qualify for such reliance would include HSBC and Standard Chartered .
Last year Promontory faced a lawsuit from the Department of Financial Services related to services provided to Standard Chartered involving its business with Iran .
So in 2005 , JPMorgan sold it to Standard Chartered , which is now being forced to unwind it .
Yet another Shakespearean banking tragedy opened this week , with Standard Chartered starring this time as the villainous rogue .
At Standard Chartered we are very supportive of the concept of macroprudential regulation , and the establishment of the FPC .
The London argot is basic , but it encapsulates the main reason London-headquartered Standard Chartered is such a stock market darling .
Standard Chartered , the UK-listed emerging markets bank , was this month the first to apply to establish a local subsidiary .
Peter sands , StanChart chief executive , defended the move despite his repeated insistence the bank was well-capitalised .
According to Stephen Green of Standard Chartered , they have risen by9-15 % this year in the Pearl River Delta around Dongguan .
In February this year , a multinational company based in Europe told Standard Chartered Bank it absolutely would not be trading in renminbi .
Standard Chartered said on Thursday it had applied to establish a local subsidiary and for a CBRC licence to do renminbi retail business .
Temasek has also been increasing its stake in Standard Chartered and now holds just under 20 per cent of the UK-based emerging markets bank .
' If we look at combined January and February data the results were not so bad , ' said Li Wei , economist at Standard Chartered Bank .
After a period as editor of the financial mail , Ms Southey is now a director of community banking at standard bank , looking at providing banking services to the informal sector .
Standard Chartered has advised and financed large Chinese enterprises such as Sinopec , the state-owned refiner .
The stimulus plan is " an aspirational target " rather than a detailed blueprint , says Stephen Green , economist at Standard Chartered in Shanghai .
Standard Chartered Bank is readying itself for a major push into the China market this year since becoming one of the first locally-incorporated foreign banks in the country .
According to the local securities regulator , other foreign banks including Standard Chartered and Bank of East Asia have also applied for a licence to sell local mutual funds .
StanChart has built one of the largest branch networks in China among foreign lenders and holds a19.99 per cent stake in Bohai Bank , a small mainland lender .
Standard Chartered yesterday pledged to carry on expanding in emerging markets even as the banking group acknowledged that economic growth in Asia was likely to slow .
Research from Standard Chartered says that during 2011 , China has been attempting to shift its accumulation of new foreign currency reserves from dollars to euros .
Gerard Lyons , of Standard Chartered , the emerging markets bank , says western fundamentals are poor and confidence is shot .
In a recent report , Standard Poor 's said it expects developers with large trust loans to meet their debts by aggressively cutting prices or selling assets , tipping average prices down 10 % .
In the Standard Chartered case , the bank is accused of " wire stripping " , or removing codes that identify Iranian clients from money transfers .
In 2009 , Nadeem Shamim left London to work for Standard Chartered Bank in Hong Kong .