
  • 网络temperature monitoring;temperature monitor;TEMP;Thermal Monitoring
  1. 基于嵌入式Linux的工业温度监控系统的设计

    Design of industrial temperature monitoring equipment based on embedded Linux operating system

  2. 基于PLC的网络温度监控系统的研究

    Study of Network Temperature Monitoring System Based on PLC

  3. 基于Agent的电动轮轴承温度监控系统的研究

    Study of Monitor and Control System Based on Agent for Dump Truck Bearing 's Temperature

  4. 基于ARM的多路温度监控系统的设计

    Design of Multi-channel Temperature Measure and Control System Based on ARM

  5. 基于PLC的光栅刻划机环境温度监控的实现

    Realization of Ambient Temperature Monitored of Grating Ruling Engine Based on PLC

  6. 西门子PLC二级温度监控系统的开发

    The Development of Two-tier Temperature Supervision & Control System Based on Siemens PLC

  7. 基于PLC和组态软件的液位和温度监控

    Monitoring and Controlling of Liquid Level and Temperature Based on PLC and Configuration Software

  8. 基于组态软件的PLC数字化温度监控系统

    Digital Temperature Monitoring System Based on Configuration Software

  9. 基于GPRS的高压开关设备温度监控系统研究

    Research of Temperature Monitoring System of High-Voltage Switch Device Based on GPRS

  10. 基于ARM/Linux的燃料电池温度监控系统GUI设计

    Design of GUI for fuel cell temperature monitor system based on ARM and Linux

  11. 基于1-Wrie总线和VB的多点温度监控系统

    The Temperature 's Monitoring & Control System Based on 1 - Wire bus and VB

  12. 基于可编程序控制器与PC计算机链接通讯的温度监控系统

    The temperature supervision system of message is put through based on can compile pre-programmed automatic control ware and PC computer chain

  13. 基于SNMP的交换机温度监控的实现

    The Achievement of Switch Temperature Monitoring Based on SNMP

  14. 基于RS-485的数控缠绕机浸胶温度监控系统

    Research on NC winding machine temperature monitor system based on RS-485

  15. 用VB实现PDC钻头高频感应焊接温度监控系统设计

    Design of Temperature Monitor System for PDC Bits High Frequency Induction Brazing Based on VB

  16. 用汇聚节点和几个普通节点组建网络,再与基于C语言开发的上位机监控界面组成了一个无线传感器网络温度监控系统。

    Use this sink node and several ordinary nodes to build a WSN network , then form a WSN temperature monitoring system with the upper computer monitoring interface developed by C # language .

  17. 实时无损的温度监控系统对于提高HIFU系统的治疗效果具有非常重要的意义。

    There is still no non-invasive temperature monitor system for HIFU could be used in clinic .

  18. 编译环境:AVRICC功能:毕业设计,制作一个电压电流温度监控设备。

    Build environment : AVR ICC functions : graduate design , produce a voltage and current temperature monitoring equipment .

  19. 论文结合开关设备特点与GPRS优点,开发了一套基于GPRS的高压开关设备温度监控系统。

    This job combines with the characteristics of the high-voltage-switch and the advantages of GPRS , and develops a set of temperature monitoring system of high-voltage-switch device based on GPRS .

  20. 方法:利用OPC技术,通过VB开发温度监控程序和数据库应用程序,并应用模糊控制方法实现温度控制。

    Methods OPC technology was used . A temperature supervisor control program and a database application were designed by VB , and the temperature was control by the fuzzy control methods .

  21. RFID产品对药品、疫苗的冷链全程实时温度监控,有利于药品监管部门实现冷链物流不断链的“无缝隙”管理体制。

    RFID do the temperature monitor on the medicine and bacteria cold chain , which is good for the " no-gap " management system about the cold chain logistic for the medicine surveillant department .

  22. 基于RS485现场总线,由智能仪表、D/A转换模块和工业控制计算机构成了培烧罐温度监控系统。

    Based on RS485 bus , this system is composed of intelligent meters , D / A modules and an industrial control computer .

  23. 第四,在温度监控模块中引入了PWM调速技术和PID控制算法对燃料电池的风扇转速进行控制,使燃料电池始终保持在最佳工作状态上,确保燃料电池的高性能输出。

    Fourthly , in temperature monitoring module , it introduced PWM speed control technology and PID control algorithm for the fan speed control of PEMFC , which can always maintain the best working condition , and ensure the output of fuel cell high-performance .

  24. 根据IMO关于国际散装运输危险化学品船舶结构和设备规范,针对化学品船高温货品运输的特殊要求,设计了化学品船货品温度监控系统。

    Aiming at the special requirements of chemicals carriers transporting high temperature goods , the temperature control system on a chemicals carrier is designed based on the international codes for the configuration and equipment of bulks carrying dangerous chemicals by IMO.

  25. 同时以远程实时监控系统的方案为基础,设计了一个远程温度监控系统的ActiveX控件(包含WinSock控件),实现了温度状况参数设置、历史查询、实时监控等功能。

    Based on the real-time remote monitoring and control system , an ActiveX control ( including WinSock control ) used in remote temperature monitering and control system is designed to realize the functions such as configuration of temperature status parameter , history inquiry and real-time remote monitoring and control .

  26. 同时本文采用实体关系图(ERD)对系统数据库进行设计建模。接着,本文以温度监控子系统和条形码打印子系统为例,描述了系统的详细设计,采用面向对象技术设计了各顺序图。

    Meanwhile , the database design of this system models with entity relationship diagram ( ERD ) . This paper takes temperature monitoring subsystem and bar code print subsystem as example , and describes minutely the whole procedure that the system from design to realization .

  27. 数字化温度监控系统在粮食储存中的应用

    Study on application of digital temperature control system in grain stocking

  28. 加热炉温度监控系统的设计与开发

    The Design and Exploitation of Heating-furnace Temperature Controlling and Monitoring System

  29. 基于传感器与单片机温度监控系统的设计

    The Design of Temperature Monitoring System Based on Sensor and SCM

  30. 干式变压器单片机温度监控仪表

    Instrument with Single-Chip Microcomputer for Monitoring Temperature of Dry-Type Transformer