
  • 网络hot spring tourism
  1. 本文采用SWOT分析方法,分析了福州温泉旅游开发的优势(STRENTH)、劣势(WEAKNESS)、机遇(OPPORTUNITY)、威胁(THREAT),并据此提出福州温泉旅游开发的对策。

    This paper uses the method of SWOT to analyze the strength , weakness , opportunities and threat in the development of Fuzhou 's hot spring tourism , and puts forward some countermeasures .

  2. 温泉旅游开发模式构建初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Constructing Hot Spring Tourism Exploitage Modes

  3. 福州温泉旅游开发SWOT分析与对策

    A SWOT Analysis of Tourism Exploitation of Fuzhou Hot Spring and the Countermeasures

  4. (我们公司要组织去温泉旅游。)

    We 're going to a hot spring on a company trip .

  5. 四川地区温泉旅游度假地开发的问题与对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures in the Exploitation of Hot Spring Tour in Sichuan

  6. 辽东半岛温泉旅游现状与发展战略格局

    The current situation and development strategy of hot spring tourism on Liaodong peninsula

  7. 温泉旅游产品开发研究

    A Research on the Exploitation of Hot Spring Products

  8. 温泉旅游的发展与研究述评

    On the Development and Study of Hot Spring Tourism

  9. 我国中西部温泉旅游开发对策研究

    Strategy Research on Spa Tourism Exploitation in Midwest China

  10. 温泉旅游真实性研究

    A Study on the Authenticity of Spa Tourism

  11. 温泉旅游开发的主要影响因素综合分析

    A Comprehensive Analysis of the Main Influential Factors in the Development of Spa Tourism

  12. 而在学术上,学者们对温泉旅游体验的研究也稍显滞后。

    And academic scholars on the hot springs tourism experience are slightly lagging behind .

  13. 论温泉旅游的创新开发

    The Innovation and Development of Hot Spring Tour

  14. 现代温泉旅游产业是休闲产业的一种类型。

    Hot spring industry as one form of entertainment industry is well_known worldwide nowadays .

  15. 温泉旅游基本构件研究

    The Research on Original Objects of Spa Tourism

  16. 对发展温泉旅游的建议

    Proposals for Developing Hot - Spring Tours

  17. 重构传统温泉旅游地发展战略的核心即是要重塑其竞争优势。

    Remodeling competitive advantages of a hot spring is a core of restructuring its development strategies .

  18. 国内外温泉旅游度假区发展演化模式的探讨

    Research on the Development Model of the Hot Spring Resorts in both China and Foreign Countries

  19. 接下来的几年里,到温泉旅游和摄影的人越来越多。

    In the following years , the hot springs started getting busier with tourists and other photographers .

  20. 近年来,温泉旅游成为旅游研究的热点问题之一。

    Thermal spring tourism has become a hot topic in the field of tourism research in recent years .

  21. 作为休闲度假产品的典型-温泉旅游在这一时期得到迅速发展。

    As a typical form of leisure vacation , spa tourism has made speedy development in this period .

  22. 随着休闲度假时代的到来,温泉旅游的发展呈现出前所未有的蓬勃景象。

    With the advent of leisure time , the development of SPA tourism shows boom in unprecedented scene .

  23. 温泉旅游开发是目前国内旅游开发的热点问题之一。

    The development of hotspring tourism is one of the important problems of tourism development nowadays in China .

  24. 旅游法规建设的一个路径研究&以广东省《温泉旅游服务规范》为例

    A Route Study on Resort Act Construction & A Case of Guangdong " Spa Tourism Service Regulation "

  25. 透过温泉旅游企业生存的四个空间,发现温泉企业可持续发展的成长之道。

    Hotspring tourism enterprises by the four living space , found the growth of hotspring enterprise to sustainable development .

  26. 随着全民休闲时代的到来,辽宁温泉旅游将步入一个全新的发展阶段。

    With the arrival of the era of universal leisure , Liaoning spa tourism will enter anew stage of development .

  27. 温泉旅游产品开发模式探析&以重庆温泉为例

    Study of the mode of product development in hot spring tour & Taking hot springs in Chongqing as an example

  28. 温泉旅游是温泉与休闲度假旅游相结合的产物。

    On leisure Close to Hotspring Hot-spring tour is an integrated product of the combination of hot springs and tourism .

  29. 福州发展温泉旅游优势与劣势、机遇与挑战并存。

    There is the coexistence of superiority and inferiority , opportunity and challenge for Fuzhou City to develop hot spring tourism industry .

  30. 近年来我国的温泉旅游发展比较迅速,然而关于温泉旅游的研究却不多,温泉旅游地已经出现了一些令人担忧的问题。

    Spa tourism has been developed rapidly in recent years in China , but published papers on spa are not too much .