
  • 网络thermocline
  1. 因此,在国内外海洋科学的发展过程中,海洋温度跃层,尤其是季节性温度跃层的调查和研究一直是海洋调查研究的主要内容之一。

    Therefore , in the development process of domestic and international ocean science , thermocline , particularly the seasonal thermocline , is always one of the main subjects .

  2. 中国海温度跃层分布特征概况

    The General Distribution Characteristics of Thermocline of China Sea

  3. 南海海洋温度跃层统计分析

    Statistical Analysis Ocean Thermocline on the South China Sea

  4. 世界大洋冬夏季温度跃层特征

    World Oceanic Thermocline Characteristics in Winter and Summer

  5. 南海温度跃层的影响因素、南海温度跃层的分布状况;

    Thermocline influence factors of SCS ;

  6. 中国海地理、气象和水文条件具有明显的多样性,致使温度跃层类型多,区域分布差异悬殊、变化复杂。

    There is a remarkable diversity in China Sea 's geographic , meteorologic and hydrographic conditions , which produce thermocline of various types , large differences in regional distribution and complex variability .

  7. 温度和密度跃层的厚度分布为:由浅水区的小于30m增至深水区的大于90m;

    The distribution of thickness of the thermal and density layer increases from less than 30m in shallow water to more than 90 m in the deep water layer .

  8. 本次研究采用了多种浮游有孔虫古生态转换函数的方法,定量计算了赤道西太平洋的表层海水温度和温跃层深度。

    Also several faunal transfer functions were used to calculate sea surface temperature and the depth of thermocline .