
  1. cepa又明确规定,凡取得建筑企业资质证明的港资企业可在全国范围内参加工程投标。

    CEPA also explicitly states that Hong Kong-invested construction enterprises on the mainland that have acquired quality construction certification are permitted to bid for projects in all parts of the mainland .

  2. 亚伦公司是一家港资企业,专业从事电壁炉与家居用品的生产,为应对客户对产品质量要求的提高和自身品牌建设的发展需要,亚伦公司导入并推行了ISO9000国际质量体系。

    Allen Company is a HongKong-invested enterprise , specialized in production of the electric fireplace and household goods . In response to meet the requirements of the customer and the needs of their own brand construction development , Allen Company imported ISO9000 management system .

  3. 科技压铸有限公司是一家港资企业,专业生产压铸机械设备。

    Is a Hong Kong-owned enterprises , specializing in the production of die casting equipment .

  4. 东江集团是一家港资企业,位于深圳市宝安区。

    TK Group is a Hong Kong invested corporation , located in Baoan District of Shenzhen .

  5. 本公司是具有多年历史的港资企业,专营加工聚氯乙烯,原料胶粒。

    The Company is a long history of Hong Kong enterprises , franchise processing polyvinyl chloride , rubber raw materials .

  6. 宝来光学有限公司成立于2004年,是一家集研发,生产、贸易于一体的港资企业。

    Was established in2004 , is a collection research and development , production , trade in one of Hong Kong enterprises .

  7. 本公司为港资企业,并且于深圳福田区设有办事处,主要从事产地来源证办理,一条龙资询服务。

    The Company is one Hong Kong funded enterprise , has an office in Futian District , Shenzhen for specializing in transaction of certificate of origin and providing all-in-one consulting service .

  8. 同时制定产业政策,促进和支援对香港经济发展有重要作用的支柱产业,包括境外的港资企业,以及有潜力的新兴产业。

    We also need to formulate industry policy to promote and support the pillar industries that are essential to our economic development , including supporting Hong Kong enterprises operating outside Hong Kong and new industries with growth potential .