
  • 网络basic telecommunications
  1. 城域传送网是基础电信承载网络,是话音、IP、基础数据、多媒体数据等业务的综合信息高速公路。

    Metro transmission network is the basic telecommunications network , which also is the highway that carry voice , IP , data and multimedia service .

  2. 经营基础电信业务必须国有控股;

    Enterprises that operate basic telecommunications business shall be state-controlled .

  3. VoIP基础电信服务的运营环境探讨

    Discussion on the Operating Environment of VoIP Basic Telecom Service

  4. XX移动是山西省具有全业务经营资质的基础电信运营商。

    XX mobile company in Shanxi Province is the only basic telecom operators with a full-service business qualification .

  5. 分析研究了选题的由来和研究基础电信运营商业绩评价及管理体系的理论和现实意义,界定了本文的研究对象(SCDX)和内容(EVA评价和管理体系)。

    Analysis and study of the origin and research topic selection based telecommunications operator performance evaluation and management system of theoretical and practical significance , defines the study object ( SCDX ) and content ( EVA evaluation and management system ) .

  6. 基础电信:何时对民营资本松口?

    Basic telecom : when to open itself to private capitals ?

  7. 基础电信网络容灾技术的研究与应用

    Research and applications of network disaster tolerance technology in based telecommunications network

  8. 数据显示,基础电信企业的互联网用户进一步趋向宽带化。

    Data shows that more and more basic telecom enterprise subscribers tend to use broadband .

  9. 关于基础电信谈判的附件

    Annex on Negotiations on Basic Telecommunications

  10. 下列内容为关于基础电信服务监管框架的定义和原则。

    The following are definitions and principles on the regulatory framework for the basic telecommunications services .

  11. 国内电信市场经过多次的改革重组,市场格局发生了巨大的变化,逐步形成了六家基础电信企业分业务竞争的局面。

    Domestic telecommunication market has consisted by six fundamental operators compete in different services after several reforms .

  12. 基础电信运营商积极申请进行数字集群网的试验工作。

    Basic telecommunication operators have also applied to do the trial for digital trunking communication networks enthusiastically .

  13. 电信企业目前形成了6家基础电信运营商共存且相互竞争的市场格局。

    Nowadays six individual telecom operators coexist and compete against each other in the field of telecom industry .

  14. 第三章是对我国在1994年开始在基础电信市场反垄断历程中对垄断的法律调控体系之演变进行分析,并采用了实证分析的方法对其运作的实践效果加以考察。

    The third chapter is to analyze the monopoly-control system in the fundamental communication fields in our country .

  15. 随着中国电信集团转型口号的正式提出,一时间基础电信运营商的战略转型成为行业关注的热点问题。

    After CTC have put forward the transfer strategy , soon , the base operators'transfer become to the hot topic .

  16. 但是,电信增值业务相对于其他基础电信业务有其特殊性,在项目管理的过程中会产生出相应的管理风险。

    However , when compared to other basic telecommunications services , telecom value-added services have their own characteristics and risks .

  17. 近年来,随着移动通信业务的飞速发展,基础电信设施建设的规模也在不断扩大。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of mobile communication services , infrastructure construction scale is also increasing .

  18. 电信网络的运营业务分为两大部分,即基础电信业务和增值业务。

    The operation service of telecommunication network consists of two major parts , namely foundation telecommunication service and value-added service .

  19. 第1款不得适用于已列入一成员减让表的任何关于基础电信服务的具体承诺。

    Paragraph 1 shall not apply to any specific commitment on basic telecommunications which is inscribed in a Member 's Schedule .

  20. 通过对电信服务分类的界定,明确了本文研究的重点是基础电信服务。

    Through the classification of telecommunications services , it is made clear that this paper is focused on basic telecommunications services .

  21. 评析了基础电信协议中《参考文件》有关竞争保障的规定,分析了墨西哥电信案中的竞争保障问题,明确了专家组在该问题上的立场。

    The chapter reviews the Reference Paper in the Agreement of Basic Telecommunications and the competitive safeguards issues in Mexico telecommunications case .

  22. 铁通成立后,原铁路通信段成为了中国铁通分公司,经营公众电信业务,成为中国第五家基础电信运营商。

    After its ' beginning of serving the public with telecommunications , CTT becomes one of the China 's five major telecom carriers .

  23. 作为基础电信运营商,中国铁通拥有覆盖广、大容量、高速率的各类电信网络资源。

    Asabasictelecommunication operator , China Railcom owns various telecommunication network resources that 's fast , covers a wide range , and has high capacities .

  24. 本文还分析了国外基础电信运营商英国电信和德国电信成功进入IT服务市场的实践。

    Second , this paper also analyses the experiences of foreign carriers who enter IT service market successfully such as British Telecom and Deutsche Telecom .

  25. 在基础电信领域,中国电信、中国移动和中国联通均已在海外上市,募集海外资金近300亿美元。

    And in basic telecommunications , China Telecom , China Mobile and China United Telecommunications are listed overseas , raising funds nearly 300 billion dollars .

  26. 充分发挥网络、人才和技术优势,利用现有基础电信网络资源和庞大的客户群资源,采用灵活多样的营销策略,以不断扩大市场占有率和不断完善客户服务并重为经营目标。

    It will make full use of networks , human capital and advanced technology , further exploit the current basic telecommunications network resources and customer base .

  27. 江苏联通作为经营基础电信业务的运营公司,固定资产在公司资产中占比达73%。

    As a corporation which is operating the basic telecom business , fixed assets occupy seventy-three percent of the corporation assets in the Jiangsu Unicom company .

  28. 由于受市场准入的限制,该公司一直只能在电力系统内部经营基础电信业务和增值电信业务。

    Because of the restriction on entering market , this company has to manage basic telecommunication service and telecommunication service of appreciations inside power system only .

  29. 通过对第一阶段的分析,笔者发现,我国基础电信市场对垄断的法律调控体系中存在着众多的不足之处,最直接的后果就是网际互联互通的不畅和电信资费的高居不下。

    Through the analysis of the first phase , I find that there exists some puzzle in our the monopoly-control system in the fundamental communication fields .

  30. 中国电信集团四川省电信公司成都市分公司是国有全资公司,是一家经营语音、数据、图像及多媒体通信与信息服务的基础电信运营商。

    Chengdu Telecom Company is a seated-owned all-capital company , a basic telecom dealer that manages sound , data , image , multi-media communication and information services .