
jī běn jiàn shè zī jīn
  • funds for capital construction
  1. 不得挪用基本建设资金。

    The fund earmarked for capital construction is not to be diverted to any other purpose .

  2. 加强高校基本建设资金管理的措施

    The Measures of Strengthening the Funds of University Infrastructure

  3. 政府投资建设项目是指以政府财政基本建设资金为主体的项目。

    Construction project of government investment refers to the government to finance infrastructure fund as the main project .

  4. 选取全国31个省市、自治区作为样本,5个基本建设资金来源作为指标,以2000年全国各地区基本建设投资数据为基础,对全国各地区基本建设投资来源进行聚类分析与因子分析。

    An account of cluster analysis and factor analysis has been given for the investment sources of capital construction in China .

  5. 强化国库集中支付监督职能,推行行业部门集中管理基本建设资金的模式,有许多优越性和便利条件。

    There are advantages and favorite conditions for popularizing centralized management model and strengthening supervision function of centralized payment of national budget .

  6. 指出基本建设资金监管方面存在8个问题,最后对加强基本建设资金监管提出建议。

    The authors point out 8 problems on the supervision of capital construction funds and propose their recommendations on strengthening the supervision of capital construction funds in the final .

  7. 在计划经济时代,中国在城镇实行的是完全福利化住房政策,住房建设资金完全来源于国家基本建设资金。

    In the planning economical times , China carried out the completed housing benefit policy in cities and towns , the housing construction funds came from national basic construction funds .

  8. 以16家公路上市公司的股本结构为例说明了国家投入公路经营企业的交通基本建设资金是公路经营企业资本金的主要组成部分;

    Based on the share capital structure of the 16 road listed companies , it is pointed out that the share capital of road companies mainly invested by the government .

  9. 第五十五条合营企业的基本建设资金,由合营企业的开户银行统一管理。

    Article 55 The capital construction funds for the joint venture shall be placed under the unified management of the bank with which the joint venture has opened an account .

  10. 政府投资项目是以政府财政基本建设资金为投资主体的项目,是不同于一般投资项目的非赢利性投资项目,其经济分析有其独特性。

    The government-invested projects that are different from the general investment projects are non-profitable projects , whose construction funds are from government finance funds . So theirs economic analysis are different from other investment projects .

  11. 加强水利基本建设资金的控制与监督,是切实做到管好用好水利建设资金的重要保证。

    Strengthening the control and supervision of the fund for the capital construction of water conservancy projects is an important guarantee for the earnest management and utilization of the fund for the capital construction of water conservancy projects .

  12. 借鉴企业资本结构理论,对当前高校校园基本建设的资金来源情况进行分析,提出高校举债加快校园基本建设是我国高等教育事业跨越式发展和高校自我发展的必然选择。

    This paper makes an analysis of the sources of college construction capital based on the theory of enterprise capital structure and maintains that accelerating college construction by loan is a must to realize the leaping development of higher education as well as the development of individual colleges .

  13. 银行贷款已成为现阶段高校基本建设的主要资金来源。

    Loan is the main source of fund of basic construction in higher schools .

  14. 铁路基本建设投资的资金短缺一直是制约铁路发展的因素。

    However the lack of infrastructure construction investment has always been a constraining factor to the development and reform of railway .

  15. 随着高等教育事业的迅速发展,银行贷款已成为现阶段学校基本建设的重要资金来源。

    With the development of higher-education , loan from banks has been an important financial source for the basic construction of schools at present .

  16. 北京希望,政府的6千亿美元的经济刺激计划能帮助这些失业民工重新就业。这一计划将在省级的基本建设方面花费巨额资金。

    Beijing is hoping its $ 600 billion stimulus plan , with its huge spending on infrastructure in the provinces , can help absorb some of these workers .