
  • 网络YWCA;young women’s christian association;YMCA
  1. 世界基督教女青年会理事会会议

    World YWCA Council Meeting

  2. 另外,在以上论述的基础上,本文还对广州基督教女青年会的活动进行了评价。

    In addition , based on the above discussion , this article also makes some comments on Canton YWCA .

  3. 天水围社会服务中心〔香港基督教女青年会〕

    Tin Shui Wai Social Service Centre [ Hong Kong Young Women 's Christian Association ]

  4. 西环松柏中心〔香港基督教女青年会〕

    Sai Wan Social Centre for the Elderly [ Hong Kong Young Women 's Christian Association ]

  5. 基督教女青年会则认为妇女运动应致力于提高妇女自身的素质、增强妇女的社会参与能力。

    The Christen young women league stressed that women movement should revolve around the improvement of women 's qualities , strengthening their abilities of social participation .

  6. 广州基督教女青年会是中华基督教女青年会的一个地方组织,它在广州乃至广东省的青年和妇女界都产生了相当的影响。

    YWCA in Canton is local organization of the national one . It has exerted major influence on the youth and women circles in Guangdong Province until now .

  7. 最后,本文选取上海基督教女青年会作为案例分析对象,通过电话、邮件访谈和资料收集,了解和分析其在组织制度和项目管理机制的创新。

    Finally , the paper selected the Shanghai YWCA as a case study object , understand and analyze the messages by telephone interviews and data collection , as well as the relationship with the government .

  8. 北京基督教青年会与女青年会

    Beijing Young Men 's Christian Association and Young Women 's Christian Association

  9. 基督教青年会及基督教女青年会并开办了5所酒店式的国际宾馆。

    Five international hotel-type guest houses are managed by the YMCA and YWCA .

  10. 假如你的兴趣是游泳或任何室内运动,可以去基督教青年会或基督教女青年会。

    If you are interested in swimming or any indoor sports , go to the Young Men 's Christian Association ( YMCA ) or the Young Women 's Christian Association ( YWCA ) .