
yóu rén
  • visitor;sightseer;tourist;visitor to park;sight-seer
游人 [yóu rén]
  • [visitor to park,etc.;tourist;sight-seer] 见游客

游人[yóu rén]
  1. 基于GIS的上海世博会游人分布和流动预测分析

    Analysis of Visitor Distribution and Pedestrian Flow Mode during Shanghai Expo Based on GIS

  2. 假日,风和日丽,风景区游人如织。

    Day off , bright , scenic area visitor if knit .

  3. 这处名胜一年四季游人如织。

    The resort is seething with tourists all year round .

  4. 在八月份,这个地方挤满游人。

    This place is lousy with tourists in August .

  5. 大街上游人如鲫。

    The streets were teeming with tourists .

  6. 游人一家一家地在公园四处漫步。

    Families were strolling around the park .

  7. 一年中大部分时间里,这个地区游人如织。

    For most of the year , the area is teeming with tourists .

  8. 夏季公园游人最多的时候,及时清扫废弃物也是一项艰巨的任务。

    Keeping pace with the litter during summer , when the park is most heavily used , is also a huge task .

  9. 公园里辟有茶座,供游人小憩。

    There are teahouses in the park where visitors can sit and relax .

  10. 每年深秋,北京香山红叶烂漫,游人如织。

    The Fragrant Hills in beijing , ablaze with red maple leaves in late autumn , attract throngs of visitors .

  11. 如果他们付得起的话,那些个体农民可以自由购买DVD播放器,待在游人居住的旅馆里,用上移动电话。

    If they can afford it , they are now free to buy DVD players , stay in tourist hotels and use mobile phones .

  12. 这位数学家之所以设计这条公式,是因为他在诺丁汉(Nottingham)曾经很能吸引游人的罗宾逊纪念馆(theTalesofRobinHood)上班时,不得不穿绿色长袜。

    The mathematician designed the equation after he had to wear green stockings when he worked at the Tales of Robin Hood , a former tourist attraction in Nottingham .

  13. 尽管布兰迪维因瀑布(BrandywineFalls)吸引着大多数游人前往俄亥俄州的库雅荷加谷国家公园这里没有人满为患的蓝母鸡瀑布(BlueHenFalls)的照片但是它为树木丛生的峡谷提供了绿洲。

    Although Brandywine Falls draws most of the tourists to Ohio 's Cuyahoga Valley National Park , less crowded Blue Hen Falls , pictured here , offers an oasis in the middle of a heavily forested valley .

  14. 本文在对游人进行大量调查的基础上,运用TCM法评价出太白山森林公园2004年的森林游憩价值为168.79万元,其结果可为太白山森林游憩活动的经营管理及开发建设提供参考依据。

    Based on investigating a number of tourists , using the Travel Cost Method evaluated forest recreation value of Taibai Mountain in 2004 , which is 168 790 000 RMB . The conclusion provides a reference for management and administration and development of Taibai mountain forest recreation .

  15. 从港口小镇巴拉奥纳出发,可以通向仙人掌丛生之地的天然瑰宝,比如BahiadelasAguilas海滩,美得让让人梦萦魂牵;HoyodePelempito洼地横跨八种气候。而且庆幸的是,两个地方游人都很少。

    The port town of Barahona is the gateway to the cactus-strewn region 's riches , like the hauntingly beautiful Bahia de las Aguilas beach and the eight climate zones at the geological depression Hoyo de Pelempito , both blissfully devoid of people .

  16. 而旅游空间的服务对象是大众游人。

    But travels the spatial service object is the populace tourist .

  17. 游人只合江南老。

    Travelers should only stay till they are in age advanced .

  18. 明中期以后,黄山游人日渐增多。

    After the mid-Ming , the visitors increased day by day .

  19. 自行车道和供游人散步及野餐的地方。

    There are bike paths and places to walk and picnic .

  20. 威尼斯的游人总是在平底船上享受他们的闲暇时间。

    Visitors in Venice always enjoy their spare time on gondolas .

  21. 越是真理,越游人诽谤

    " The greater the truth , the worse the libel "

  22. 风景旅游区游人中心建筑设计

    Designing Architecture of Tourist Reception Center in Scenic Area for Tourism

  23. 这条河现在由于水流湍急,游人禁止入内。

    The river is out of Bounds because of strong currents .

  24. 游人是不得随意向公园里的野生动物扔食物的。

    There are laws that protect the wildlife in this park .

  25. 瀑布与滑雪在公园中同样吸引游人。

    The waterfall rivals skiing as the park 's greatest attraction .

  26. 憩息或扎营时远离步道与其他游人。

    Take breaks and camp away from trails and other visitors .

  27. 游人在这里应当遵守动物园的规则,以免发生意外。

    Visitors should follow the park 's regulations to avoid accidents .

  28. 城市广场环境与游人行为关系的调查

    Survey on Relationship of City Square Environment and Visitors ′ Action

  29. 我通常在家,也喜欢游人做伴。

    I 'm usually home and I 'd love the company .

  30. 旅游城市适度游人规模研究

    Research on the optimum tourist population in the touring City