
  • 网络Game City
  1. 首钢二通厂的轧钢车间变成了充满梦幻色彩的动漫游戏城。

    Shougang rolling two-plant into a workshop full of fantastic color animation game city .

  2. 位于北京市石景山区的首钢旧址如今有了一个新的名字:中国动漫游戏城。

    Located in the Shijingshan District of Beijing Shougang site now has a new name : Chinese animation game City .

  3. 北京市为动漫游戏城提供了十分优惠的扶持政策。

    The city of Beijing for the animation game provides a very favorable policies .

  4. 业内人士透露,一些设计企业、动漫公司等将会入驻中国动漫游戏城。

    Industry sources , some design companies , animation companies , animation and game will be settled in the Chinese city .

  5. 当民警在对位联都国际四楼的电玩游戏城进行清查时,一位现场的女士感叹。

    When police are in the International Union for the fourth floor of bit video game inventory of the city when a woman laments the scene .

  6. 首届中国动漫嘉年华是中国动漫游戏城的开山之作,此后中国动漫游戏城的运营也将正式开启。

    Carnival is the first Chinese animation Chinese animation pioneer for the city game , then the operation of Chinese animation game City will officially open .

  7. 直到现在,号称“动漫国家队”的中国动漫游戏城诞生,北京市大刀阔斧的行动已经持续了数年。

    Until now , known as " animation team " of the birth of Chinese animation game City , Beijing drastic action has been going on for several years .

  8. 活动将以“大动漫”艺术作为主题和灵魂,在中国动漫游戏城打造一个新的国际化大型娱乐活动。

    Activities will be " big cartoon " art as the theme and soul , in the city to build a Chinese animation game international new large-scale entertainment events .

  9. 作为中国动漫集团的国庆献礼项目,中国动漫游戏城于国庆前夕借首届中国动漫游戏嘉年华之机正式启动。

    As China 's National Day gift items Animation Group , China 's cartoon game through the first city on the eve of National Day Carnival of the Chinese animation game machine was officially launched .

  10. 让我们回到诺丁汉,回到这个“游戏之城”,现在我身边的这个人就是一手造成所有这一切的伊恩·西蒙。

    So back up here in Nottingham , back at'game city ' , I 'm with the guy whose fault it all is .

  11. 日前,该园区负责人表示,将把园区打造成世界动漫游戏第一城,集研发、生产、销售等于一体。

    Recently , the park official said , will the park into a world game animation first city , development , production and sales is equal to one .

  12. 旅行也会带你到游戏中的地城,地城主要有两种。

    Travel will also lead you to the game 's dungeons , of which there are two major kinds .

  13. 它是首个国家级别的动漫游戏嘉年华活动,也是中国动漫游戏城开城之作。

    It is the first national-level cartoon carnival games , is also China 's city of Kaesong , the animation for the game .

  14. 记者转了一圈发现,不时有玩家俯下身去接游戏币,但并没有玩家拿着游戏币到电玩城前台兑换现金。

    Correspondent in a circle that , from time to time the player leaned over to pick up the game currency , but did not coin the player holding the game to the gaming city front redeemable for cash .

  15. 实景数字游戏属于天津市创新基金项目,而基于无线编解码芯片的超声波定位系统的设计是实景数字游戏城项目中基础而重要的一部分。

    The project of digital game in real environment belongs to the innovation fund projects of Tianjin , while the design of the positioning system using ultrasonic based on Remote Control Encoder and Decoder is one fundamental and important part of the digital game in real environment .