
  • 网络tourism resort
  1. 山地与滨水旅游度假村的建筑空间组织

    Space Design of Building at Mountain Region and Waterside Area

  2. 传统山地窑居聚落旅游度假村发展模式初探

    Study on Development Model of Holiday Tour Areas in Traditional Upland Yao-dong Village

  3. 武夷山中华民俗风情旅游度假村概念规划

    Conceptual Planning for " China Folk-custom Tourism Holiday Village " in Mount Wuyi

  4. 各大旅游度假村和酒店目前报告的入住率也只是15%或20%。

    Resorts and hotels are already reporting occupancy rates of just 15 or 20 percent .

  5. 巴厘岛旅游度假村早已在旅游产品中赫赫有名。

    Bali travel resort has already been very well known in tourism products , and been famous in the world .

  6. 以珠海海洋温泉旅游度假村为例,探讨种植设计中树种选择的程序与方法。

    This article , taking Zhuhai Ocean Hot Spring Resort for example , exploited the ways in trees chosen of planting design .

  7. 麻山区交通方便,在此建成旅游度假村,经济效益和社会效益十分可观。

    Traffic is convenient in Mashan District , if we build a holiday resort here , economic and social benefits would be considerable .

  8. 我国旅游度假村虽然起步晚,但是发展迅速,在数量不断增加的同时,度假村的形式也越来越具有文化特色。

    China travel resort although late start , but development is rapid , in the number has increased , the form of resorts more and more is also has the cultural characteristics .

  9. 结合国外著名的三个滨海旅游度假村实例,探讨了主流滨海度假村的鲜明特色和发展趋势。(2)分析了滨海度假村旅游策划的缺失,部分是由于规划的替代造成的。

    By the three famous examples of the coastal tourist resort , study on the distinct characteristics of the mainstream resorts and development trends . ( 2 ) An analysis of the coastal tourist resort of the lack of planning , partly due to a result of the planning alternatives .

  10. 那家度假村叫什么名字?旅游胜地度假村,世外桃源村中有。

    What is the name of the resort ? holiday village & a scenic spot and a haven of peace for tourists .

  11. 此外,定于2014年竣工的bahamar项目将对另一个热门旅游目的地亚特兰蒂斯度假村(atlantisresort)的领先地位提出挑战。

    Meanwhile the BAHA Mar project , due to be completed in 2014 , will challenge the pre-eminence of the Atlantis resort as the cool tourist destination .

  12. 本论文首先阐述旅游文化与符号系统的概念,目的是以理论为基础,区别一定区域内旅游度假村的设计与普通酒店的设计中,符号职能的不同。

    In the first part , we are discussing the definition of tourism culture and the symbol system , aiming at distinguishing the different usages of symbols between vacation-holiday restaurants and other general restaurants .

  13. 本文基于桃江县旅游业发展总体规划课题,旅游环境规划子课题。目的之一是通过旅游区环境质量评价,尤其是旅游区地质环境质量评价,为桃花江美容旅游度假村选址提供科学依据。

    Based on the sub-program of environmental planning of the tourism development in Taojiang County , the paper aims to provide evidences for vacation village through environmental assessment , especially geological environmental assessment .