
  • 网络Tourism Geography;Tourist Geography
  1. 新时期改革创新旅游地理教学方法的思路

    Ideas of Teaching Method Innovation of Tourism Geography in New Times

  2. 《中国旅游地理》正是在这样的背景下做了改革的尝试。

    In the background Chinese tourism geography make a attempt to reform .

  3. 基于GIS的安阳旅游地理信息系统研究

    Research of Anyang Tourism Geographic Information System Based on GIS

  4. 旅游地理信息系统(TGIS)的出现,是随着旅游业和信息技术的发展而诞生起来的,它使旅游业的发展跨入了数字化的行列。

    With the development of Tourism and Information Technology , Tourism Geographical Information System ( TGIS ) has come into being , which made the development of tourism step into the era of digitization .

  5. 旅游地理公共选修课开设初探

    The Establishment of Tourism Geography as a Common Elective Course

  6. 高校中国旅游地理课程的改革创新探索

    A Study of the Innovation of College Tourism Geography Curriculum in China

  7. 论地域分异规律在旅游地理区划中的主导作用

    Leading function of regional differentiation rules in tourism geographical regionalization

  8. 旅游地理区划等级单位系统研究

    Research on grade system of the division of regions in tourism geography

  9. 山东省旅游地理信息系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Tourism Information System for Shandong Province

  10. 山西旅游地理区划初探

    The Preliminary Study of Tourist Geographical division of Shanxi Province

  11. 学生旅游地理自主学习能力研究

    Studying on the Independent Learning Travel Geography Capability of Student

  12. 德语国家休闲与旅游地理研究的回顾与进展

    Geography of Leisure and Tourism Research in the German-speaking Countries Retrospect and Perspective

  13. 旅游地理毕业论文创新指导研究

    Study on Innovation Guidance of Thesis for Tourism Geography

  14. 旅游地理教学之人文素养培育初探

    Initial Exploration on Tour Geography in Humane Attainments Cultivation

  15. 中国旅游地理教学理论与实践探讨

    Analysis of Chinese Tourism Geography Teaching Theories and Practice

  16. 中国旅游地理课教学改革

    Teaching Reform of the course : China Tourism Geology

  17. 21世纪中国旅游地理教师队伍建设探索

    Study on the Chinese Tourism Geography Teachers Troop Building in the 21st Century

  18. 高中地理教材创新与高师旅游地理课程建设

    Innovation of Senior High School Textbook and Geography Teaching Reform of Higher Normal Education

  19. 基于电子地图的乌鲁木齐旅游地理信息系统研究

    Urumqi Travel Geographic Information System Based on GIS

  20. 高职中国旅游地理教材建设探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice about Teaching Materials Building of Chinese Tourism Geography in Vocational Colleges

  21. 改革高职院校旅游地理课程教学手段的思路

    Ideas Of Teaching Methods Of Reforming The Curriculum Of Tourism Geography In Vocational Colleges

  22. 面向社区服务的旅游地理信息系统

    Travel GIS in City Community Service Network

  23. 从旅游地理角度看,福建与台湾两省关系特殊。

    The relationship between Fujian and Taiwan are special from the angle of tourist geography .

  24. 合理利用计算机辅助教学提高旅游地理教学质量

    Make rational use of computers to auxiliary teaching and improve teaching quality of tourist geography

  25. 旅游地理文献分析

    Analysis on the documents of Tourism Geography

  26. 吉林省旅游地理信息系统

    Jilin Province Travel Geographic Information System

  27. 闽台旅游地理差异与福建对台旅游产品开发

    Difference of Min-Tai tourist geography and development of Fujian 's tourist products for Taiwan 's tourism

  28. 俄罗斯旅游地理研究

    Study on Tourist Geography of Russia

  29. 本文对这些地理景观信息加以分析,提出其地域类型并探讨其旅游地理意义。

    Many of these geographic significance of the geographic landscape information are studied in the paper .

  30. 旅游地理课程职业能力培养的现状与思考

    A Study on the Roles of Tourism Geography Curriculum in the Development of Students ' Professional Capabilities