
  1. 四是国际游资炒作。随着世界经济增速的减缓,全球石油需求的降温,以及勘探开发与炼油设施投资的增加,未来全球原油供需总体将保持平衡。

    The worldwide economic slowdown , coupled with the decreasing oil demand and increasing investment in oil exploration and development and refining facilities construction , will cause the global crude oil supply and demand to come back to a balance , in future .

  2. 第三是加强市场价格监管,防止游资进行炒作。

    The third is to strengthen the market price oversight and prevent speculation on hype .

  3. 跟着游资主力炒作题材要格外小心,他们擅长快进快出操作,所以见好就收,等回调再跟进。

    Take more care to follow small-cap forces in National Day subject , since they are good at fast-come and fast-go operation , so you don 't be too greedy , instead , you follow in after back adjustment .

  4. 中国还没有实现资本项目下的自由兑换,国际游资大规模、随心所欲炒作人民币升值的客观条件还不具备;

    Free conversion on capital account is not implemented .