
  • 网络The Education Department of Hunan Province
  1. 本人2007年参加了湖南省教育厅组织的高校贫困生基本状况调研和提高高校贫困生能力的理论研讨会,获取了大量的第一手翔实资料。

    I participated in 2007 in Hunan Province Office of Education " organized by the basic situation of Poor College Students research " and " improve the ability of poor college students " theory seminar , obtain a large number of first-hand detailed information .

  2. 因此,本文根据湖南的实际情况,依托湖南省教育厅研究课题(05D032)利用陈粮大米为原料生产谷氨酸,为大米的综合利用开辟了一条新途经。

    Based on the practical condition and with the project of Hunan Education Department [ 05D032 ] , this research employ mellow rice as material to produce glutamic acid , which explores a new way of using rice comprehensively .