
  1. 这种忧患意识源于周人从立国到灭商后面临的艰难处境,其中含有重要的敬德与保民思想,成为周代一切制度的出发点与宗旨之所在。

    The distress consciousness advocates virtues and the thought of protecting the populace , based on which all the laws of the Zhou Dynasty were made .

  2. 目的分析牙周源性牙周牙髓联合病变患牙根管内口腔常见可疑致病菌的检出情况。

    Objective To investigate the prevalences of common suspected pathogens in root canals from combined periodontalendodontic lesions of periodontal origin .

  3. 五礼源出《周礼》,但五礼制度化的时代却应是在六朝时期,且此时构建的五礼制度框架被其后历代封建王朝所沿用。

    Five Rites , coming from Zhou Rites , became one kind of systems in Six Dynasties , which was accepted by following feudal dynasties .

  4. 禽流感(AI)(H9)的母源抗体在两周的时间内基本消失;在免疫23天后。

    The maternal antibody of AI ( H9 ) - HI was vanished in two weeks .

  5. 暖牙胶垂直挤压术治疗根管源性牙髓根尖周病的临床应用

    The clinical application of technique of vertical compaction of warm gutta Percha in the treatment of pulpal apical diseases of endodontic origin

  6. 竞渡中的巫风与其他习俗源于夏、周时代,屈原为代表的楚辞作家,正是继承与发扬了夏、周文化。

    The article also investigates the witchcraft originating Xia dynasty in the dragon boat contests and the writers studying Quyuan , which inherits and develops the culture of Xia Dynasty .