
  1. 多数据源配电网不良数据的辨识与校核

    Bad data identification and correction in multi-data source distribution networks

  2. 研究结果表明,仓储层作为连接油源通道网层和油气聚集网层的枢纽,对来自油源通道网层的油气起到临时的仓储作用。

    The results show that the storage layer is a channel for connecting the meshwork layer of oil source passage to the meshwork layer of hydrocarbon accumulation and also a temporary warehouse for oil and gas coming from the meshwork layer of oil source passage .

  3. 今天看上去高兴。有好事?源:大洋网。

    You look cheerful today . What 's the good news ?

  4. 他补充道,计划真正源于儿科医院网,联邦政府支持他们的首创精神。

    He added that the project really stemmed from the network of pediatric hospitals and that the federal goernment is supporting their initiatie .

  5. 此方法从干扰源处&接触网与受电弓之间馈入高频信号,由电气化铁道系统辐射出去进行测量。

    According to the measurement method , feeding a RF sinusoidal signal at location of interference source , so this signal is radiated by electrified railway system .

  6. 多弓受流是一个多移动振动源的机械振动,这些振动源和接触网一起组成一个复杂的振动系统。

    The multi-pantograph current collection is a kind of mechanical vibration with multi-movable vibration sources , and these vibration sources together with the catenary compose a complex vibration system .