
  • 网络Coiled tubing;CTU
  1. 其他特殊工艺井钻井液:连续油管(CT)钻井液;

    Other noo conventional drilling fluids : coiled tubing ( CT ) drilling fluid ;

  2. 推导出在只有小样本数据的情况下,利用模糊贝叶斯(Bayes)理论方法确定连续油管疲劳寿命概率分布模型。

    The model for determining the probability distribution of fatigue life of coiled tubing is established by using fuzzy Bayes theory and method .

  3. 概述了连续油管(CoiledTubing,CT)的发展历史、技术应用及其材料的发展与规格的提升。

    The development of coiled tubing ( CT ), the application of the CT technology and the upgrade of the CT material and specifications are summarized .

  4. 波温12M连续油管车在油气勘探开发中的应用

    Application of Bowen Modern 12 M Continuous Operation Tubing Aggregate to Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas

  5. 为了在现场能同时检测连续油管金属截面损耗缺陷(LMA)和连续油管局部缺陷(LF)两类磁特性完全不同的缺陷,做了连续油管缺陷综合检测传感器的磁路设计。

    To inspect simultaneously the loss of metallic cross sectional area and localized fault of a coiled tubing , the magnetic circuit of an integrated sensor is designed .

  6. 材料在使用过程中塑性应变被不断地颠倒,这是IRP发展中涉及到连续油管的部分困难之一。

    Part of the difficulty with developing the IRP with respect to CT is that the material is used in such a way that continually subjects it to plastic-strain reversals .

  7. 连续油管在弯曲和内压共同作用下的疲劳寿命分析

    Analysis of fatigue life of coiled tubing with three dimension stress

  8. 应尽量增加大直径连续油管的壁厚;

    Thickening the wall of large - diameter coiled tubing ;

  9. 预测连续油管钻机将成为21世纪的主要钻井装备。

    CT drilling rig will become the major drilling equipment in21 century .

  10. 连续油管疲劳寿命的预测及模糊优选

    The prediction and fuzzy optimal selection of the coiled tubing fatigue life

  11. 连续油管长度激光多普勒在线测量系统

    On-line Length Measuring System for Continuous Oil Tubes by Laser Doppler Technology

  12. 连续油管技术在定向井酸化中的应用

    Application of Coiled Tubing Technology in Acidization of Directional Well

  13. 连续油管深井排水采气技术

    Technology of gas recovery by water drainage for deep wells with coiled tubing

  14. 连续油管疲劳寿命预测模型的建立

    The Prediction Model of the Coiled Tubing Fatigue Life

  15. 连续油管椭圆度在线磁性检测原理与方法

    The magnetic principle and method of on-line testing of ovality of coiled tubing

  16. 水平井连续油管酸化及效果评价

    Horizontal well coiled tubing acidizing and its effect evaluation

  17. 连续油管柱振动分析

    Analysis for Longitudinal Vibration of the Coiled Tubing

  18. 影响连续油管疲劳寿命的因素分析

    The Main Factors Influencing Coiled Tubing Fatigue Life

  19. 连续油管卷绕弯曲寿命分析

    Analysis of fatigue life of bending coiled tubing

  20. 水库坝基砂卵石层高压喷射灌浆防渗技术研究连续油管水力喷砂射孔深度确定方法探究

    Study on Method of Determining Depth about Hydraulic Jetting Sand Perforation With Coiled Tubing

  21. 连续油管可靠性研究的进展

    Advances in research of coiled tubing reliability

  22. 连续油管技术分析与研究

    Technical analysis and research of coiled tubing

  23. 连续油管技术与装备发展综述

    Development of coiled tubing technique and equipment

  24. 连续油管腐蚀可靠性研究初探

    Study on the coiled tubing erosion reliability

  25. 连续油管的挤毁压力分析

    The analysis of coiled tubing collapse pressure

  26. 连续油管作业设备是石油工业应用中的一种新型设备。

    Coiled tubing ( CT ) is a kind of new equipment in the petroleum industry .

  27. 国外欠平衡连续油管钻井技术小直径连续管作业设备电液集成控制系统优化

    Underbalanced drilling with coiled tubing Technique of electro-hydraulic integrated control for small diameter coiled tubing unit

  28. 水平井连续油管冲砂与分流实验装置的研制

    Development of experimental facilities for sand washing and fluid diverting of coiled tubing in horizontal wells

  29. 随连续油管材料抗拉强度的提高,其疲劳寿命明显增加。

    The fatigue life of the coiled tubing also increases with the improvement of its tensile strength .

  30. 连续油管屈服极限分析

    Yield Limits of Coiled Tubings