
  • 网络Connect Edges;connect;fillet
  1. 由NW长度标度ζ的定义可知,复杂网络的节点这时应仍然存在,但是节点之间的连接边基本被删除。

    May know by the NW length scale ζ definition , the complex network node should still exist , but the connection between the nodes is deleted completely .

  2. 其目的是在系统可靠性不低于给定标准(p0)条件下,寻找一种优化的网络结构,使其连接边的费用最低。

    The objective is to find the topological layout of links , at a minimal cost , under the constraint that the network reliability is not less than a given level of system reliability .

  3. 这样只需在建立到根节点的第一条连接边时进行Tanner图的树形展开,从而大大降低了计算复杂度。

    In this way , the tree extension operation of the Tanner graph is needed only when the first edge linked to the root node is set up , so the computation complexity is greatly reduced .

  4. 并在图中记录下面和连接边的半径,从而将圆角特征的识别转化为等半径连通子图的搜索。

    Thereby , fillet feature recognition is changed to seeking the sameness radius connected sub-graph .

  5. 近来的研究工作表明复杂系统可以用由节点和连接边组成的复杂网络表示。

    Recent work has shown that disparate systems can be described as complex networks , that is , assemblies of nodes and links with nontrivial topological properties .

  6. 与传统理论所提到的破坏截面(焊喉)位置不同,角焊缝在扭矩作用下破坏截面的位置靠近钢构件连接边。

    The position of damage section of fillet weld under torsion closing with the connection side between fillet weld and steel member differs from that obtained by traditional method .

  7. 经过实例的检验和对比,得到了比较满意的结果,并得出结论:在地震作用下,离源点较近,度数较大且连接边数较多的节点的脆弱性一般较大。

    Through examination and comparison of examples , we obtained satisfactory results and concludes : the nodes which is closed to source point and has a high degrees are more vulnerability in the earthquake destruction .

  8. 并进一步将连接边的权重引入知识共享网络,从有向加权网络的角度分析了知识共享网络图,用网络密度,节点度,边权重,聚类等网络分析方法来探求知识共享机理。

    Additionally weight of linkage was introduced into knowledge sharing network which was analyzed from directed-weighted network perspectives in this study with network density , node degree , linkage weight and network clustering to research knowledge sharing mechanism .

  9. 一种新型板件连接卷边防尘盖的结构设计

    A New Technology for Joining Sheet Metal Works Structure design of crimping type shield

  10. 由于复合材料的各向异性特性,使得机械连接孔边的应力分布异常复杂;

    Because of anisotropy of the composite material , the stress distribution in joint becomes extraordinary complex ;

  11. 图的节点是资源和文字,节点之间用有向边连接,边上用谓词标记。

    The nodes of the graph are resources and literals , and they are connected by directed edges , which are labeled with predicates .

  12. 这里,随时间的变化,节点的增加和删除是随机的,在删除节点的同时也删除该节点所连接的边。

    Here , add and remove nodes randomly over the time , when a node is removed , the edges linking to it are also removed .

  13. 进行了1块两边连接侧边自由、2块侧边加肋钢板剪力墙在低周往复荷载下的滞回性能试验研究,详细分析了受力过程中的耗能能力和变形特征。

    A quasi-static test of one steel plate shear wall with two-side connections and with other two sides free and two steel plate shear walls with two-side connections and with other two sides stiffened were carried out under cycle horizontal loads to obtain the energy dissipation capacity and deformation characteristics .

  14. flow是一个有向图,活动被表示为节点,所谓的links被表示为连接活动的边。

    A flow is a directed graph with the activities as nodes and so-called links as edges connecting the activities .

  15. 在进行抗火设计时,要注意加强对角节点和H型柱翼缘与梁连接方向的边节点的防火保护。

    Consequently , in fire resistant design , fire protection on corner joints and exterior joints which are in the direction of the column flange connected to the beam should be strengthened .

  16. 连接圈和边建立JT。

    Connecting cliques and sides , constructing JT .

  17. 微型汽车侧围板后连接板修边复合模具设计及工艺分析

    Compound Stamping Die Design and Processes Analysis of Micro Automobile Extension Quarter Panel

  18. 在连接处板边的偏差

    Edges of plates at joints

  19. 它是在直尺一端连接的卡边上设置了放铅笔芯的筒形圆孔和固定螺丝。

    A fixing screw and a cylinder-shaped circular hole for placing leads in are arranged on one lamping edge which is connected with one end of a ruler .

  20. 创造性地提出了A象限角度计算法,它可以实现快速确定与同一结点相连接的所有边的邻接关系;

    This thesis initiates the 8-Quadrant Angle Computing Method . This method can rapidly recognize the adjacency relationship of all the edges linked with the same node and avoid the complicated computing of trigonometric function .

  21. 最后根据裂纹前缘最深点和表面点的裂纹扩展速率确定桅杆结构纤绳连接拉耳孔边裂纹的扩展特性。

    Finally , we can determine the propagation property of the crack at hole of ear plate connecting the masts and the cables according to the propagation velocity of the depth point and the surface point .

  22. 复杂系统是由许多子系统组成,这些子系统相互作用,如果我们当把子系统比作节点,把子系统之间的相互作用关系比作连接节点的边,那么我们就可以把复杂系统抽象为复杂网络。

    Many complex systems are interacting subsystems , when the subsystem is abstracted into a node , the interaction between the subsystems is abstracted into a node edge , then the complex system can be abstracted into a complex network .

  23. 本文提出NPG算法在启发阶段充分利用节点邻域信息,考虑节点的连接强度和出边邻居传播能力差异性,提出更有效的潜力节点选取策略。

    This paper presents optimization algorithms take advantage of the inspiration phase node neighborhood information , consider the strength of the connection node and the ability to communicate edge neighbor differences , made more effective " potential " node selection strategy .

  24. 对于基本几何,通过分析连接点类型、边方向和面的拓扑结构,得到基本几何形体的几何模型。

    For the primitive geometry , the 2.5D geometry is interpreted by identifying the junctions , edges and faces , and then analyzing the extracted topology .