
lián jiē diàn lǎn
  • cable;connecting cable
  • connect cable
  1. 工人连接电缆。

    The worker attached a cable .

  2. 实现了一种在光纤同轴电缆混合接入(HFC)中连接电缆网络和以太网的透明网桥。

    This paper presents a design of transparent bridge which can connect cable network and Ethernet in HFC network .

  3. 分析表明,由于连接电缆两端产生的反射现象导致SPD和负载上的电压振荡。

    The reflection phenomena on the cables between an external SPD and the protected equipment lead to the oscillations of the voltages on the SPD and on the load .

  4. 这些耳机还采用UHPLC铜连接电缆。

    These headphones also utilize UHPLC copper in the connecting cable .

  5. 测量的建立时间受并联电容的影响,而并联电容则是由连接电缆、测试夹具和DUT产生的。

    The settling time of the measurement is affected by the shunt capacitance , which is due to the connecting cable , test fixturing , and the DUT .

  6. 炉体、水冷连接电缆不在保修范围。

    Furnace body and water-cooling connecting cable are not within the guarantee range .

  7. 本产品适用于频率控制传动系统中作供电电缆或连接电缆。

    The product is used in converter-controlled driver as power supply cable or connecting cable .

  8. 系统将由总站、对讲设备、扩音器及所有连接电缆组成。

    The system will consist of a master central station , intercom equipment , loudspeakers and all interconnecting cables .

  9. 通过用连接电缆中的空闲线缆为现场设备提供工作电源,以实现现场总线供电。

    Using leisure line of connection cable supply work power of field equipment to realize power supply for field bus .

  10. 电子清纱器的电气部分由检测单元、信号处理单元、控制箱及各种连接电缆所组成。

    Electronic yarn clearer by testing the detection unit , signal processing unit , control box and various connection of cable .

  11. 路由器可以用于连接电缆在一起,使企业内部可以延长远远超出这些距离。

    Routers can be used to link these cables together , so that an intranet can be extended well beyond those distances .

  12. 用连接电缆将两个或多个网点或计算机连接起来,以便它们之间通信。

    To link two or more nodes or computer system with connecting cable in order to communicate between the computers or nodes .

  13. 提出了用新型三同轴电缆作高频通道连接电缆可提高高频保护抗干扰能力的建议。

    Using the new tri-coaxial-cable as connecting cable in high frequency protection channel to improve the anti-jamming ability of high frequency protection was suggested .

  14. 对于那些老是换地方或所处位置不能连接电缆的人来说,这十分有用。

    This is quite useful for people who are constantly on the move , or at locations where it is not practical to run cable .

  15. 控制室的主参考铜排和其他设备汇流排间的连接电缆使用25平方毫米电缆或者更大?

    The connecting cable from the MRG star plate in the control room to other equipment local bus bar is equal to25 Square millimeters or larger ?

  16. 同时对安装时应注意的问题以及电容薄膜规的工作环境、连接电缆、维修等方面都作了介绍。

    At meantime , also introduced the question which must come into notice and something in the respects of operation circumstance , connecting cable and maintenance for capatance diaphragm gauge .

  17. 该模型组合了超声检测系统各个环节的子模型,包括:超声波激励脉冲发射,检测信号接收,连接电缆,超声换能器,以及在被检测材料中的传播过程。

    This model combines all components of an ultrasonic measurement system , including pulser / receiver , cabling , transducer ( s ), and the acoustic processes in the materials being inspected .

  18. 而电缆附件是连接电缆与电缆、电缆与其它设备的重要环节,电缆附件故障将直接导致电缆输电系统瘫痪,因此电缆附件的运行状况直接影响供电的稳定性。

    The power cable accessories is a significant part , which are connectors between cables and cables , cables and other equipments , whose fault will cause cable transmission system to collapse directly .

  19. 基于互联网的网络控制系统一方面可以实现网络控制系统与互联网之间以及网络控制系统之间的直接通讯,另一方面可以减少各种连接电缆,降低成本,易于维护。

    Based on Internet NCS , one hand it can realize the communication during the NCS and Internet as well as during the NCSs , on the other hand it can reduce the variety of connection cables and costs and be easy to maintain .

  20. 途;广州市东方电线电缆厂,本产品适用于额定电压500V及以下对于防干扰性要求较高的电子计算机和自动化连接用电缆。

    Guangzhou Dongfang wire Cable Plant This product is applied to rated voltage500V and below a higher requirement for tamper-resistant electronic computer and automation connectivity cable .

  21. 连接条电缆而不用塞子的单位。

    A unit for connecting 2 cables without the need for plugs .

  22. 安装电池并连接电池电缆。

    Install the battery and connect the battery cable .

  23. 文中还计算出与电器元件连接负载电缆的安全长度。

    The safety length to connect apparatus component and load cable was calculated and given .

  24. 连接电瓶电缆,先连接正极电缆。

    Connect battery cables positive first .

  25. 互联网,电脑连接,电缆干线,电缆活性一起闪烁-下载配置文件。

    Internet , PC Link , Cable Link , and Cable Activity blinking together-Downloading configuration file .

  26. 安装入面板边的将是连接遥控电缆的多引线的接线盒。

    Mounted into the side of the panel will be a multi-pin electrical connector to connect the remote control cable to .

  27. 传统的导弹控制系统采用点对点方式连接的电缆网进行信号传输,带来了许多弊端。

    In the traditional missile control system signals are transmitted through point to point link cable network , which has brought many disadvantages .

  28. 据美联社报道,紧急救援小组正加紧为严重受损的核电站的反应堆连接新电缆,以冷却过热的核燃料。

    Emergency teams racing to cool overheated nuclear fuel scrambled Saturday to connect Japan 's crippled reactors to a new power line , AP reported .

  29. 适用于微波设备和数字通信系统的射频回路中连接射频电缆或微带线。

    Suitable for the microwave equipment and body of the digital communication system and join the body in the cable or the micro-strip line frequently in the loop frequently .

  30. 传统的火箭控制系统采用点对点方式连接的电缆网进行信号传输,随着火箭数字控制技术和网络传输技术的发展,总线式信号传输方案越来越受到重视。

    Signals in the current rocket control system are transmitted through the point-to-point cable network , which has brought some disadvantages . With the development of the rocket digital control and network transmission technology , the data bus transmit scheme has been paid more and more attentions .