
  • 网络Link Road
  1. 马连道茶城是北京一商集团公司投资建成的现代化、多功能综合商业设施。

    Maliandao Tea Beijing City is one business group to invest into the modernization of integrated multi-functional commercial facilities .

  2. 其核心经营业务是在京城享有盛名的马连道茶城,同时还经营具有较大规模的摄影器材城。

    Its core operations are in Beijing at the prestigious City Maliandao tea , while also operating with a large-scale photographic equipment City .

  3. 北京马连道茶城坐落在“京城茶叶第一街”的中心位置,是规模经营的大型茶叶市场。

    Beijing City is located at Maliandao tea " tea First Street in Beijing ," the central location , are operated by large scale tea market .

  4. 我唯一不满的就是连一道主菜和一份甜点都没有。

    My only gripe is that one main course and one dessert were unavailable .

  5. 玛丽滑进水中,连一道波纹也没有泛起。

    Mary slid into the water , leaving not even a ripple .

  6. 现在的孩子连“道”是什么都不知道。

    Kids these days don 't even know the meaning of tao .

  7. 半小时前我们就点菜了,可等到现在连第一道菜没有上。

    We give our order half an hour ago , but be still wait for the first course .

  8. 十分之一的女性在不查看食谱书或没有帮助的情况下,连三道菜也做不出。

    One in ten women can cook fewer than three meals without looking at a recipe book or asking for help .

  9. 研究了带芯棒拔制的均壁作用,分析了连拔道次钢管的弯曲度和弯曲方向等对壁厚不均的影响。

    Wall-uniforming function during drawing with a mandrel is studied and effects of bending and bending direction of steel pipes during continuous multi-pass drawing on nonuniform wall thickness are analyzed .

  10. 半小时前我们就点菜了,可等到现在连第一道菜没有上。他一向主张女人要随着第一道菜入席,然后,喝完第一杯酒就退席。

    We have given our order half an hour ago , but are still waiting for the first course . It was a maxim with him , that women should come in with the first dish , and go out after the first glass .

  11. 这两处街垒连在一道便构成一座真正的犄角堡。

    The two barricades united formed a veritable redoubt .

  12. 他一把抓着那张信纸,连诗一道扔到一边,弄得这朵花儿也落到地上了。

    He took hold of the letter very roughly , and threw the verses away , so that the Flower fell on the ground .

  13. 没有从台湾到连拉斯的道航班机。

    There are no direct flights from Taiwan to dallas .

  14. 你连对了3道我们再做下一道题

    You got three in a row ! Can we do another one ?