
  • 网络continuous radiation
  1. 而当哈雷彗星第二次过近地点时期,利用M24微机数据采集系统,对该彗星进行追踪观测。得到在此期间哈雷彗星21厘米射电连续辐射强度的上限为2.22Jy(5σ)。

    The upper limit of the intensity of the 21-cm wavelength continuous radiation of Halley 's Comet is 2.22 Jy ( 5 σ) .

  2. 【结果】洋金花微波提取的最佳工艺条件是用药材10倍量的体积分数为75%乙醇浸泡2.0h,在功率为730W,温度为65℃的微波条件下连续辐射25min。

    【 Results 】 The optimal process conditions for Flos Datura were as follows : soaking the medicinal material for 2 hours with 10 times of 75 % alcohol , with continuous radiation for 25 min at the power of 730 W , at 65 ℃ .

  3. 正常星系的射电连续辐射及HI辐射

    Radio Continuum Radiation and HI Radiation of Normal Galaxies

  4. 分析了等离子体连续辐射、连续辐射的吸收、Al原子谱线辐射的时间演化规律,并进行了简短的讨论。

    The time resolved spectra including continuum radiation , absorption of continuum radiation and Al atomic spectral lines radiation were obtained .

  5. ICP-AES中基体连续辐射背景的研究&Ⅰ.基体连续背景的特性

    A STUDY OF MATRIX CONTINUUM BACKGROUND IN ICP-AES ⅰ . Characterization of the Matrix Background

  6. Al原子对连续辐射的共振吸收是选择性的,这是改变连续辐射按波长平滑分布的主要机制。

    Atom Al selectively absorbs continuum radiation , it leads to the change of the smooth distribution of continuum emission with wavelength under normal condition .

  7. PG类星体的红外连续辐射能谱

    Infrared continuum energy distribution of PG quasars

  8. 结合对Al的实验结果说明:激光烧蚀金属产生的等离子体,其特征辐射、连续辐射、电子温度可能都存在一定的能量阈值;

    Our results of copper and aluminum show that there are possibly different thresholds of laser energy to electronic temperature and intensities of emission spectra of laser ablated plasma .

  9. 结果表明,常规诊断用超声连续辐射胎囊20分钟可致人体宫内绒毛细胞脂质过氧化改变(P(Ⅰ·Ⅲ)<0.05)。

    The result showed that continuous exposure of conventional diagnostic ultrasound for 20 minutes could result in lipid peroxide change of human villous cells ( P I ·ⅲ < 0.05 , P ⅱ·ⅲ < 0.05 ) .

  10. 本文对BN天体的红外连续辐射多波段测光资料进行理论分析研究。

    Theoretical analysis and research for high-resolution photometric data of infrared continuum emission in BN object are made in this paper .

  11. 本文综述了近年来世界上各大天文台站对正常星系的射电连续辐射和HI辐射的观测及研究。

    The observations and study of radio continuum radiation and HI radiation of normal galaxies carried out by the main observatories in the world in recent years is described .

  12. 乙醇导入ICP导致等离子体连续辐射(即复合辐射和轫致辐射)强度减小和分子带(主要是CN带)强度增大。

    The introduction of ethanol into an Ar ICP results in decrease of the intensity of the plasma continuous emission but increase of the intensity of molecular bands ( mainly CN band ) .

  13. 大幅度快速光变、高偏振、整个电磁波段的非热连续辐射及致密的射电辐射是blazar天体的主要特征,blazar天体的统一与演化是blazar天体研究的重要内容。

    Blazar is mainly characterized by rapid variability with a large amplitude , high polarization , compact radio radiation , and nonthermal radiation in the electromagnetic wave from radio bands to gamma rays . An important research aspect for the blazar is the unification and evolution of blazar .

  14. 低剂量连续辐射引起的小鼠免疫系统的变化

    Changes of Immune System in Mice Irradiated by Continual X-rays

  15. 连续辐射的机理是离解复合。

    The mechanism of the continuous radiation is dissociation-recombination .

  16. 我们认为激光诱导等离子体的连续辐射的主要机制是轫致辐射和复合辐射。

    Bremsstrahlung and compound radiation of electron were considered as main mechanism of continuum emission .

  17. 太阳短分米波连续辐射中的Ⅰ型噪爆噪声的危害与控制

    The Phenomenon of Solar Type ⅰ Noise Storm in the Short Decimetric Radio Continuum Emission

  18. 提出了原子对激光诱导等离子体连续辐射共振吸收理论。

    Resonantly absorbing continuum radiation was suggested .

  19. ArO~准分子的连续辐射

    The continous radiation of aro excimer

  20. 结合连续辐射强度的空间分布,对电子辐射的机理进行了探讨。

    Combined with the spatial distribution of continuum radiation intensity , the electron radiation mechanism was discussed .

  21. 简要讨论了激光诱导等离子体连续辐射的产生机理。

    The mechanism of the continuum radiation of the plasma induced by laser ablating aluminum is discussed .

  22. 微波能连续辐射时的平均干燥速率高于间歇辐射时的平均干燥速率高。

    The average drying rate with continuous radiation by MV energy was higher than with intermittent radiation .

  23. 连续辐射的产生与持续时间和收集板上接收电子的负电压信号相对应。

    Continuum radiation was corresponsive to negative voltage signal of collector plate , and high-kinetic energy electron made ambient ionized .

  24. 自由-束缚连续辐射在光学波段最强,自由-自由连续辐射主要在射电和红外波段。

    The free-bound continuum is strongest in the optical regime , whereas the free-free continuum dominates in the radio and infrared regimes .

  25. 因此,它也就能辨识单色辐射、线性连续辐射,计算结果也证实了这一点。

    Therefore , it will also be able to identify the monochromatic radiation and the linear continuum radiation . The calculated results also confirmed that .

  26. 光谱中连续辐射、吸收线较强,离子谱线少而弱,表明哈雷彗星是富尘的。

    The fact of a number of strong absorption lines , strong continuum and very few ion lines suggests that Halley 's Comet is dust-rich .

  27. 认为电子辐射主要为韧致辐射,韧致辐射来源于近靶处高能电子与等离子体中的粒子相互作用,它是产生连续辐射的主要成因。

    Electron radiation was bremsstrahlung from high-kinetic energy electron interaction with elemental species near the target , which was the primary mechanism of the continuum radiation .

  28. 文中我们回顾了超连续辐射的研究发展以及飞秒激光对光电探测器作用的研究现状,并对超连续辐射的相关应用进行了简介。

    In this paper , we reviewed the development of the research on SE and the femtosecond laser effect on photodetector . Besides those , relate applications SE have also been introduced .

  29. 结合连续辐射强度的时空分布,讨论了激光诱导等离子体连续辐射的产生机理,认为连续辐射是以电子的轫致辐射为主要机制。

    The emission characters of election and ion is investigated , and combining the time-resolved of the charge with time-resolved intensity distribution of the continuum emission , Bremsstrahlung of electron is the primary mechanism of the continuum .

  30. 针对有限短波段内连续辐射物体的发射率通常具有单调性这个事实,提出波段辐射测量方法,即选择三个非相关波段构造测量方程。

    Based on the fact that the emissivity function of a continuous-radiation object is usually monotonic in a short-band , a tri-waveband method for temperature measurement is established , namely choosing three irrelevant wavebands to formulate measurement equation .