
  1. 人类历史的发展是连续性与非连续性的统一,政治文明的发展也是如此。

    The developing of history is the unity of continuity and non - continuity .

  2. 字母词语的分类;(3)连续性与非连续性;

    ( 3 ) classification of nonverbalcommunication ;

  3. 产业演进是资源配置结构转换的过程,是连续性与非连续性的统一。

    The industry evolution is the process that the resources disposition structure transforms , and is integration of the continuity and the non - continuity .

  4. 发展不仅仅等同于进步、增长、连续性、向上的观念,而是连续性与非连续性的统一,前进性与曲折性的统一。

    Development not only tantamount to progress , growth , continuity , progressive ideas , but continuity and the continuity of the non-uniform , experiencing twists and turns in the course .