
  • 网络central yunnan;dianzhong district
  1. 通过连续12a田间小区定位试验,研究了在不同施肥方式下,连年稻-麦轮作的滇中地区紫色冲积性潴育型水稻土土壤肥力及产量变化的规律。

    The relationship of fertilization methods with the soil fertility and output of the purplish paddy soil has been studied for 12 successive years in central Yunnan .

  2. 滇中地区核桃杂交早实优株无性系的种植试验

    Cultivation Experimentation of Walnut Early Fruiting Varieties at Central Yunnan Regions

  3. 基于滇中地区某市GPS高程测量的实验工作情况,对城市GPS网高程精度进行了探讨,并提出了一些减少GPS高程误差的具体方法。

    Based on GPS urban height network precision combined with the experimental work in the city , this paper discusses GPS network height precision and puts forwards some particular methods to reduce height error .

  4. 该虫在滇中地区1a发生1代,以3、4龄幼虫在寄主枝干的木质部内越冬。

    The insect has one generation a year in central Yunnan Province and overwinters as the 3rd or 4th instar larvae in the xylem tunnel of the trunk and branch of its host .

  5. 对云南昆明地区近40a的气温及降水资料和太阳黑子相对数资料进行了初步的分析与研究,结果显示:云南滇中地区气候演变与太阳活动准11a振荡和准2a振荡之间有一定的联系。

    The observational sunspot , temperature and precipitation data for 40 ? a in Kunming area have been analyzed and studied . The result shows that there are some relationship between Yunnan climate and the solar 11 ?

  6. 太阳黑子活动对滇中地区气候演变特征的影响

    The Effect of Sunspot Activity on Climatic Change in Central Yunnan

  7. 滇中地区引种牡丹的生态分析

    Study on Ecological Potential for Peony Introduction of Central Yunnan

  8. 滇中地区水稻光温生产潜力的动态模拟

    Dynamic simulation of Rice ′ s Light-temperature Potential productivity in Yunnan midland

  9. 云南省滇中地区火力发电厂用水量预测

    Prediction of Water Demand for Thermal Power Plants in Central Yunnan Province

  10. 滇中地区公路路域防护植物的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the roadside plants in Central Yunnan

  11. 摘要滇中地区是云南省经济发达的地区。

    Central Yunnan Province is an economically developed area of Yunnan province .

  12. 滇中地区稀矿山式铁铜矿床的矿物研究

    Study on Minerals of Xikuangshan Type Iron-Copper Deposits in Middle Area of Yunnan

  13. 滇中地区森林火险等级预报方法的研究

    Forecast method of forest fire danger grade in the central area of Yunnan

  14. 云南滇中地区钾肥肥效研究初报

    Review of studies of potassium fertilizer efficiency in the middle region of Yunnan

  15. 分析结果与云南省滇中地区工业产业结构的实际情况比较吻合。

    The analysis results are accorded with the actual situation of central Yunnan Province .

  16. 滇中地区特色观赏禾草资源

    Resources of Characteristic Ornamental Grass of Central Yunnan

  17. 滇中地区小流域水土流失治理效应研究

    Effect of Comprehensive Treatment on Soil Erosion in the Small Watershed in Central Yunnan Province

  18. 滇中地区农民问题的透视&以玉溪市为例

    Analyses of Farmer Problems of Central Yunnan

  19. 滇中地区的一种地下水&碎屑岩类裂隙岩溶水

    A kind of groundwater in central yunnan & the fracture karstic water in clastic rocks

  20. 滇中地区旱地小麦品种产量稳定性探讨

    Research on the yield stability of Wheat Varieties on Dryland in the central region of Yunnan

  21. 滇中地区砂岩铜矿成矿过程中的有机质作用

    The role of organic matter in formation of the sandstone type Cu deposit in Central Yunnan

  22. 速度与衰减结构成像及其在滇中地区的应用研究

    The Studies on Inversion of Velocity and Attenuation Structures and Its Application to the Middle-Yunnan Region

  23. 滇中地区塑料温室光温环境的测试分析

    Test and Study on Light and Temperature Environment of the Plastics Greenhouse in Central Area in Yunnan

  24. 滇中地区砂岩铜矿矿物分带特征及其成因意义

    Characteristics and genetic significance of metal mineral zonation of sandstone-hosted copper deposits in chuxiong , Central Yunnan

  25. 滇中地区温泉宜采用观光娱乐和康体保健开发模式;

    A great number of hot springs in Middle Yunnan may use entertainment and health care exploitage mode ;

  26. 滇中地区缺水成因分析及对策研究

    Analysis on the Causes of Water Shortage in the Middle Part of Yunnan Province and the Countermeasures Research

  27. 玉村的婚姻习俗变迁在一定程度上反映了云南特别是滇中地区乡村城市化的历史进程。

    To a certain extent , changes in Yucun s marital customs reflect the urbanization of central Yunnan .

  28. 近几年来滇中地区各州市也为滇中一体化发展做了许多努力。

    In recent years , every city in thecentral area of yunnan made a lot of efforts for integration development .

  29. 对滇中地区地理信息系统及其专题信息系统的开发和应用状况进行了初步介绍。

    Development and application status quo of GIS and special topic information system is as well introduced briefly in mid-Yunnan .

  30. 而在滇中地区&小江断裂带却是另一番景象,该区样品中的幔源氦平均约占总氦的2.27%,最高也才8.9%。

    The mantle-derived Helium of all samples averagely occupies the whole Helium about only 2.27 % , the maximum about 8.9 % .