
  1. 中央美术学院雕塑系雕塑系的教学主体曾有为以王临乙、滑田友、刘开渠、曾竹韶等为代表的留法归来的一代雕塑家。

    The Scuipture Department The main teaching force of the Sculpture Department were mainly sculptors who had studied in France , such as Wang Linyi , Hua Tianyou , Liu Kaiqu , Zeng Zhushao .

  2. 刘开渠、滑田友等一代宗师不遗余力地传承西洋雕塑的教学成果、创作方式,并培养了一批又一批的雕塑艺术人才。

    The generation respected masters , such as Liu Kai Quiz and slippery farmland friend * etc. spares no effort a ground of teaching achievement that the tradition western carves and create a way , and developed to one and motherly carve an art talented person .