
gǔn gǔn ér lái
  • roll in;come in torrents
滚滚而来[gǔn gǔn ér lái]
  1. 不要忘记,我总是有大量钱财滚滚而来。

    Don 't forget , I have always kept the money rolling in .

  2. 公司的创始人和投资者并没有因为缺乏计划而烦恼。他们乐于向另一位从大学退学、创办了Facebook的马克•扎克伯格学习:先在你的网络里获取大量客户,利润自然会随后滚滚而来。

    The lack of a plan does not appear to bother Lore 's founders or investors , who seem content to learn a lesson from another university drop-out , Mark Zuckerberg , the co-founder of Facebook : achieve critical mass in your network and the profits will follow .

  3. 我们一到那里,金钱就会滚滚而来。

    Once we get there the money will just start rolling in .

  4. 山顶那边,乌云从大风逞威的北边迅猛地滚滚而来。

    From the windy north beyond that summit clouds came streaming rapidly .

  5. 罗杰斯:我认为这方面的收入会再次滚滚而来。

    Rogers : Well I think that the dollars are coming back .

  6. 税金滚滚而来,监狱也满了。

    Taxes are pouring in , the jail is full .

  7. 记忆的闸门突然被打开了,就想大坝泄洪一样滚滚而来。

    The locked door flew open and with it a rush of memories .

  8. 一旦我们的生意开始,金钱就会滚滚而来。

    Once our business gets started , the money will be rolling in .

  9. 她的幸运在于,北海的石油滚滚而来;

    lucky in the flow of North Sea oil ;

  10. 在滚滚而来的信息革命浪潮中,水产饲料企业应当如何面对。

    How will aquatic feeding enterprises face to in the coming information revolution .

  11. 申请表开始滚滚而来,合格的候选人已被挑选出来。

    The applications start rolling in , and the qualified candidates are identified .

  12. 雾从海洋上滚滚而来。

    Fog came rolling in from the ocean .

  13. 现在,财源滚滚而来,他生活得自在逍遥。

    Now the money is rolling in and he 's living on easy street .

  14. 薄雾往往在一天结束时滚滚而来。

    Mists are prone to come rolling in at the end of the day .

  15. 当金钱滚滚而来的时候,美国股东就不把这些放在心上了。

    American stockholders could care less about it as the dough keeps rolling in !

  16. 海浪迎面滚滚而来,我们使劲掉转船头。

    We struggled to turn the boat as the wave bore down on us .

  17. 接踵而至就是滚滚而来的财富。

    Wealth often comes along with fame .

  18. 那时候,利润就会滚滚而来。

    Then the profits will pour in .

  19. 滚滚而来的教育改革和学习型社会的发展给教师提出新挑战。

    The incoming educational reform and the developing of learning society pose new challenges for teachers .

  20. 为此,中国不得不购买滚滚而来的美元。

    To do this , it had to buy up dollars as they came flooding in .

  21. 但是如果你关注的是如何生产最棒的产品,利润自然滚滚而来。

    But if you focus on making really great products , then the profits will follow .

  22. 我几乎只需举手之劳,利润就会滚滚而来。

    I 'll barely have to lift a finger and the profits will come rolling in .

  23. 互联网像滚滚而来的钱江潮一样,在短短十几年之内全方位地冲击着我们的生活。

    Like Qiang-jiang tides , Internet has been pounding at our life in the past ten years .

  24. 以前我总以为他们一毕业,财源便会滚滚而来。

    All this time , I thought that when they graduated , the dollars would pour in .

  25. 坦克滚滚而来的第二天上午,泰国人便走上街头,向士兵们送上玫瑰花。

    The morning after tanks rolled in , Thais were on the streets presenting soldiers with roses .

  26. 如果你做付现金打9折的买卖,财源一定会滚滚而来。

    If you offer a ten per cent discount for cash the money will come rolling in .

  27. 自从托德开始在股票市场投资以来,金钱便滚滚而来。

    Ever since Tod started investing in the stock market , the money came in hand over first .

  28. 当2007-08游戏结束的时候,很多投资都还没意识到债务会随之滚滚而来。

    The end-game was reached in2007-08 when investors realised a lot of this debt would not be repaid .

  29. 信息化浪潮滚滚而来,人类社会正逐渐步入信息化时代。

    The tide of informatization comes in torrents , society of human being is stepping into information ear .

  30. 他们只是从滚滚而来的浪涛的颜色上察觉到这番变化。

    They were aware only of this effect upon the color of the waves that rolled toward them .