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  1. 用圆石或鹅卵石覆盖道路。船在铺满圆卵石的海滩上搁浅了。

    Pave a road with cobblestones or pebbles . The boat grounded on a shingle bank .

  2. 川江弯曲分汊河段卵石浅滩航道整治技术研究船在铺满圆卵石的海滩上搁浅了。

    Regulation Measures and Effect Analysis for the Pebble Shoals of Branching Reach with Bend Shoal in Upper course of Yangtze River The boat grounded on a shingle bank .

  3. 她点头作了肯定的表示,忽然一下子,就好像上面所有的星星都散发着满圆的月亮散发的那种亮光。她看见坟上的五颜六色的绚丽的花朵,泥层变得松软柔和,像一块飘忽的布。

    She bowed her head in token of assent . then suddenly it appeared as if all the stars were shining with the radiance of the full moon on the many-colored flowers that decked the grave . The earth that covered it was drawn back like a floating drapery .

  4. 非满流圆管均匀流水力计算的近似数值解法

    Approximate value solution in hydraulic calculation of uniform-flow in partly full circular pipe

  5. 中秋节这一天中国人开的商店出售包满肉馅的圆饼。

    Chinese stores sell delicious round cakes filled with meat for the Moon Festival .

  6. 讨论满滚子径向自锁圆往滚子轴承的设计方法。

    In this paper , the design method of full complement with self-retained cylindrical roller bearing is discussed .