
  • 网络satisfiability
  1. 提出了两个用于求解可满足性(SAT)问题的启发式策略。

    Two heuristic strategies for solving satisfiability ( SAT ) problem were presented .

  2. 可满足性(SAT)问题的概率研究

    A Probabilistic Study on the Satisfiability Problem

  3. 可满足性问题的三维DNA图结构算法

    Three Dimensional DNA Graph Structure Algorithm of SAT Problem

  4. 可满足性问题(SAT)是当代理论计算机科学的核心问题。

    Satisfiability ( SAT ) problem has been the core problem of research on computational theory .

  5. 此外,还提出了xml文档的语义有效性和xml文档的推理问题,并把它们规约到描述逻辑语言∑ΗΟΙΝ(?)的知识库不可满足性问题。

    The semantic validity and entailment problem of XML documents are further provided and they are reduced to the knowledge base unsatisfiability problem in description logic language ΣΗΟΙΝ(?) .

  6. 当解释的论域是一个固定大小的有限集合时,一阶逻辑公式的可满足性问题可以等价地归约为SAT问题。

    When the domain of interpretation is finite and its size is a fixed positive integer , the satisfiability problem in the first-order logic can be reduced to SAT.

  7. RTL验证中的混合可满足性求解

    Hybrid Satisfiability Solving for RTL Verification

  8. (k,s)-SAT是命题满足性问题限制在一类特殊的命题公式上,该命题公式具有每个子句只有k个不同的文字且每个变元出现的次数少于s次的特点。

    ( k , s ) - SAT is the propositional satisfiable problem restricted to instances where each clause has exactly k distinct literals and every variable occurs at most s times .

  9. 可满足性问题(SAT问题)在数理逻辑、人工智能、机器学习、约束满足问题、VLSI集成电路设计与检测以及计算机科学理论等领域具有广阔的应用背景。

    The satisfiable ( SAT ) problem plays an important role in artificial intelligence , machine learning , mathematical logic , VLSI design and detection other areas .

  10. 随机k-SAT公式不可满足性VS最小k-击中集

    The unsatisfiability of random K-SAT formula vs minimal k-hitting set

  11. 基于布尔可满足性的组合电路ATPG算法

    Combination Test Generation Based on Boolean Satisfiability

  12. 可达性等价于状态方程可满足性的两个Petri-Nets子类

    Two Subclasses of Petri-Nets with Equivalence of Reachability and State Equation Satisfiability

  13. SAT问题(可满足性问题)是理论计算机科学的核心问题,研究SAT问题的方法很多,利用极小不可满足公式的性质来研究SAT问题是近几年的一个热点研究方向。

    SAT Problem is a core problem in theoretical computer science . There are many ways to research into SAT Problem . Using the properties of minimal unsatisfiable formulas to study SAT Problem is a new hot way of research at present .

  14. 使用输出分组和电路可满足性的等价性验证算法

    Efficient Equivalence Checking Using Output Grouping and Circuit SAT Solver

  15. 结合二叉判决图和布尔可满足性的等价性验证算法

    Combining Binary Decision Diagrams and Boolean Satisfiability for Equivalence Checking

  16. 动静态结合排序决策的可满足性问题解决器

    SAT Solver with Static and Dynamic Ordering Decision Making

  17. 程序正确性证明中逻辑公式的可满足性

    The satisfiability of logical formula in proof of program

  18. 基于可满足性问题求解的时序电路性质检验方法

    Property Checking of Sequential Circuits Based on Satisfiability Solving

  19. 关系数据库的空值与数据依赖满足性变换算法

    Commutation Algorithm toward Null Value for Data Dependent on Satisfactory Conditions in Relational Database

  20. 公式的可满足性是其相应断言的意义集不空。

    Satisfibility of the logical formula is that meaning set corresponding to it is not empty .

  21. 关于合取范式可满足性问题的复杂性分析

    A Complexity Analysis on SAT Problem

  22. 该方法是混合半形式的,结合了传统基于模拟的方法和多可满足性问题求解技术。

    This thesis builds a hybrid semi-formal technique combined with traditional simulation based approach and multiple SAT solving technique .

  23. 对可满足性求解器算法进行比较,从中选择了效率较高且适用于全解求解器的算法。

    It compared several algorithms of SAT solvers and selected the algorithm with higher efficiency and better suitability for all-solution SAT solver .

  24. 通过比较这些因素的得分,得出它们的重要度等级依次为需求满足性,帮助可及性,感知可用性和大众认同度。

    By comparing the scores of these four factors , the importance sequence is as Needs Satisfaction , Support Availability , Perceived Usability and Public Acceptance .

  25. 为了验证较大规模的电路,通常需要将随机模拟、自动测试生成、二叉判决图、布尔可满足性等多种推理引擎相结合。

    Random simulation and binary decision diagrams ( BDDs ) as well as Boolean satisfiability ( SAT ) are often used as the engines of equivalence checking algorithms together .

  26. 讨论了关系数据库的空值与数据依赖满足性变换算法,并给出了有关的定义、规则、定理与变换算法。

    The commutation algorithm toward null value for data dependent on satisfactory conditions in relational database is discussed and the related definitions , rules and theorems are put forward .

  27. 对包含多输出的复杂验证问题,首先对联接电路作输出分组,将等价性验证问题转化为包含若干个组的电路可满足性问题,继而使用电路解算器解决问题。

    By the algorithm , a heuristic is used to do output grouping for complex problem first , then the equivalence checking problem is converted into some Circuit SAT problems .

  28. 选址原则分区域选址原则和位置选址原则,包括目标市场定位原则、易接近原则、可见度原则、投资收益原则、房产和房屋技术满足性原则。

    This principle includes district location finding and specific firm location , target market position principle , easy-to-approach principle , easy-to-spot principle , profit turnover principle , property and house technology satisfactory principle .

  29. 虽然线性混成自动机的模型检验问题总的来说还是不可判定的,但对于其中的正环闭合自动机,其对于线性时段性质的满足性能够通过线性规划方法加以检验。

    Linear hybrid automata are undecidable in general , but for a subclass of linear hybrid automata called positive loop-closed automata , the satisfaction problem for linear duration properties can be solved by linear programming .

  30. 本文遵循RADIUS认证协议设计系统,以满足安全性要求。

    This follows RADIUS authentication protocol design systems to meet security requirements .