
  • 网络damp-heat syndrome
  1. 目的通过挖掘医案中脾胃湿热证证症药对应关系的数据分析,揭示其辨证和治疗规律。方法本研究通过收集、筛选、数据预处理及数据库的建立,共收集医案231篇。

    Objective : To reveal the regularity of differentiation and treatment in syndrome of dampness-heat spleen and stomach by exploring the relationship in " syndrome-symptom-medicine " . Method : In this study , about 231 case records have been gathered through collecting , screening , data preprocessing and database establishing .

  2. 湿热证的主症为潮红、渗液、水疱、糜烂、心烦、口渴、舌质红、苔黄;

    The chief manifestations of Damp-Heat Type are diffuse redness , exudations on the affected skin , blisters , erosions , anxiety , thirst and red tongue with yellow coating .