
huá xiánɡ yì
  • hang glider
  1. 彼得把这个电影明星绑在滑翔翼上。

    Peter strapped the movie star into the glider .

  2. 当被变形后将不能使用滑翔翼,降落伞和冲浪板。

    Impossibility of using the delta , para and surf if we are morphed .

  3. 他的滑翔翼开始慢慢往下掉。

    The glider began slowly to fall .

  4. 在山顶上他们看见一些人正享受玩滑翔翼之乐。

    On the top of the mountain they saw some people who were enjoying hang gliding .

  5. 他也教那些需要知道如何在电影里驾驶滑翔翼的电影明星。

    He also teaches movie stars that need to know how to hand glide for movies .

  6. 就像上次你在车上装滑翔翼扮大雁倒出车道一样,都是先斩后奏。

    This is like the time you backed down the driveway with a hang glider sticking out of the car .

  7. 彼得是加州一名滑翔翼教练,世界各地的人都来向他学习如何驾驶滑翔翼。

    Peter is a hand gliding instructor in California . People come from all over the world to learn how to hand-glide .

  8. 一个人穿上滑翔翼就可以舒舒服服地起飞,然后靠超大的游泳用的鳍状靴子到处飞行——你甚至扑腾几下人工翅膀也能飞起来。

    A human in a hang glider could comfortably take off and cruise around powered by oversized swim-flipper boots-or even take off by flapping artificial wings .

  9. 他跳上自己的滑翔翼往电影明星那边飞过去,那个人一阵惊慌失措,彼得则帮他解开绳子,叫他抓住他。

    He jumped onto his own glider and few over to where the man was . The movie star was panicking . Peter unstrapped the man and told him to hang on to him .

  10. 翱翔着的飞鸟和滑翔用的伞翼,是这架空前成功的人力飞机设计之关键。

    Soaring birds and gliding wings were keys to the design of the first successful human-powered aircraft .