
  1. 通过建筑体形系数的分析,得出滑雪馆建筑的高宽比是影响节能的体形基本参数。

    Height-width ratio is the basic influencing parameters of energy-saving shape by building shape coefficient analysis .

  2. 楼宇自控系统在乔波冰雪世界滑雪馆中的实现

    The Realization of the Automatic Control System in QIAO BO Snow and Ice World Ski Hall

  3. 室内滑雪馆设计

    Design for Indoor Skiing Site

  4. 重点介绍了滑雪馆围护结构、制冷系统、新风除湿系统和造雪系统的设计,并总结了设计体会。

    Presents emphatically the design of the building envelopes , refrigeration system , fresh air dehumidification system and snowmaking system . Summarizes the design experience .

  5. 本文介绍了室内滑雪馆这类特色体育建筑的发展概况和设计技术要点。

    The authors give a brief account of the development and design technique essentials of indoor skiing site and such like sports building with distinctive character .

  6. 结合乔波冰雪世界滑雪馆工程实例说明结构化综合布线系统的设计思想及其应用。

    This article combines with the project of ski Hall of Qiaobo ice-snow world to show the application of the structural comprehensive wiring system and the design philosophy .

  7. 在全国大力推行建筑节能减排的形势下,研究滑雪馆建筑的节能设计具有重要的实用意义。

    Vigorously promote the building of energy-saving emission reduction in the country situation , study on building energy saving design of the Ski Museum is of important practical significance .

  8. 同时滑雪馆自身具有的庞大体量和很大的室内外温差,使其成为所有民用建筑中能耗很高的建筑。

    At the same time the Ski Museum itself has massive amount of General and great indoor and outdoor temperature difference , which make it a high energy consumption of buildings in all buildings .

  9. 然而目前我国对滑雪馆这种大型公共建筑的设计、建设和运行还缺乏能耗监管的标准和规范,滑雪馆建筑的节能设计还缺乏技术指导。

    However indoor Ski building in China currently the design , construction and operation of large public buildings also lack of regulation of energy consumption standards , Ski building energy saving design is also lack of technical guidance .

  10. 滑雪馆建筑是滑雪事业发展的产物,是一种相对年轻的新型公共建筑类型,集运动、休闲、娱乐、商业等功能于一身,在越来越多的城市功能中扮演着重要的角色。

    Indoor Ski slope building is the product of the development of skiing , and a type of younger building than others , including sports , leisure , entertainment and business and so on , and playing an important role in more and more cities .