
  • 网络satisfying decision;satisfactory decision;satisfying;decision satisfying
  1. 一类有限理性的显示偏好和满意决策分析

    A bounded rationality revealed preference and satisfying decision analysis

  2. 基于满意决策的多机协同目标分配算法

    Coordinated target assignment in multi-UAV based on satisficing decision theory

  3. 其中在用地性质调节方面选取的图论方法是最大匹配法与最稳定匹配法;指标调节方面选取多阶段群体满意决策方法。

    The graph theory in the nature of land use regulation selection method is maximum matching method and the most stable matching methods ; Selection index regulation multistage group decision method .

  4. 将实际的生活控制系统抽象成闭环控制模型,将问题转化成为一个含有不确定性和非线性因素的闭环满意决策动态优化问题。

    The real life into a closed loop control system to control the abstract model , the problem is transformed into a closed-loop decision-satisfaction factors include uncertainties and nonlinear dynamic optimization problem .

  5. 为了对各种不同性质的任务进行理性决策,首先根据不同任务的特性选取针对不同任务的满意决策群体,构成动态满意决策群体集;

    In order to ratio  ̄ nally make decisions to tasks with all kinds of character , the paper selects a satisfactory decision-making group fitting different tasks based on the character of different tasks .

  6. 一种交互式多目标满意群决策方法

    An Interactive Group Multiobjective Satisfying Decision Making Method

  7. 最后,对模型的仿真应用结果进行了参数实验与讨论,仿真模型取得了令人满意的决策支持效果。

    The simulation application results of the model are also discussed at the end of the paper , which has achieved satisfying decision support impact in real cases .

  8. 那幅场景不总是令人满意,决策所花的时间要比一党政府长得多,而且结果可能是通过的立法更少,而不是更多。

    It is not always a pretty sight , decisions tend to take much longer than in a one-party government , and the end result may be less legislation rather than more .

  9. 近年来,涌现了很多的粗糙集模型来解决多属性决策问题,最后得到决策者非常满意的决策规则,并用于生活实践之中。

    In recent years , some rough set models are applied to deal with the MADM problems , which provides the satisfied decision rules to the decision maker and make the functions in real-life practice .

  10. 在模型优化解的解译过程中,将各个变量在区间内进行适当组合就能得到各种决策方案;模型能够与决策者直接进行交互,充分考虑决策者的反馈意见,以便获得最终满意的决策方案。

    Besides , it is very convenient for the model to interact with decision makers , thus through the interactive process and the interpretation of the interval solution , some reasonable schemes will be achieved successfully .

  11. 为进一步加快集装箱运输行业的发展,提高集装箱堆场管理水平,实现堆场管理自动化,通过模拟建模技术为管理人员提供满意的决策方案。

    In order to expedite the development in vocation of container transportation , improve the management level for container yard and realize automatization , the authors supplied a contented decision scheme for administrator by simulation modeling technology .

  12. 对于多目标最优化问题,由于各目标之间相互制约、相互影响,对其中某一个目标进行优化时必须以牺牲其它目标作为代价,难以求得令人满意的决策方案,因此,需要采用多目标最优化技术。

    For the multi-objective optimization problem , it is difficult to find a satisfactory solution because that the objects mutually restricted and influenced with each other , and optimizing one of them must at the expense of the sacrifices of others .

  13. 一种基于期望满意的群决策方法

    A Group Decision Making Method Focusing on Individuals ' Satisfaction

  14. 教师满意参与学校决策是促进学校发展的有效手段。

    Teachers ' satisfaction to their participation in the school decision-making is an effective way to promoting schools development .

  15. 该模型由竞争情报系统质量、竞争情报质量、竞争情报使用者的满意程度、决策者的影响、竞争战略影响五个模块构成。

    This model is made up of five constructs , i.e. competitive intelligence system quality , intelligence quality , competitive intelligence end-user satisfaction , decision-maker impact and competitive strategy impact .

  16. 并结合保持方案排序不变时的灵敏度分析结果,给出了一个既能保持方案排序不变,又能使判断矩阵符合满意一致性的决策区域。

    Third , a decision making region that guaranteed the ranking of the alternative and keeps the matrix having the satisfactory consistency was obtained .

  17. 因此,考察职业生涯决策的规律和内在心理机制,明确如何才能做出令人满意的职业生涯决策,对个体和职业心理学研究者来说都具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。

    Therefore , for both individuals and researchers , it will be great theoretical and practical meaning to explore the rules and internal psychological mechanism of career decision-making .

  18. 这样,应用何种方法研究如何正确地制定满意的船舶投资决策就成了当前各个航运企业的当务之急。

    In this way , it has become the urgent fairs that shipping enterprise work over how to set down satisfying ship investment decision-making rightly through which method .

  19. 作为决策人,机构投资者本身是一个偏好收益、寻求满意投资组合的决策系统,在构建投资组合和参与公司治理的决策过程中表现出一些独特的特征。

    As a decision maker , pursuing the satisfied portfolios and preferring the revenue of the portfolios , institutional investor is a decision making system which reveals some peculiar characteristics in the process of composing the portfolios and participating in the corporate governance .

  20. 从令人满意准则到满意优化、满意决策和满意控制,满意度原理经历了几个发展阶段,并在许多领域产生了一定的影响。

    From the satisficing criterion to the satisfactory optimization , satisfactory decision-making and satisfactory control , the satisfactory degree theory has past several development stages , and had a influence on many other fields .

  21. 对多目标分配问题,将攻击方案作为个体满意集合的元素扩展了基于满意决策的目标分配算法。

    To settle the multi-target assignment problem , the algorithm was applied by taking the attack scheme as the element of the individual satisficing set .

  22. 政府决策自始至终存在着理想与现实、动机与效果之间的张力,政府决策者应该将最优准则和满意准则辩证结合起来,在最优决策与满意决策之间寻求一种恰当的平衡。

    Because the tension between ideal and reality , motivation and result is always there in government decision , government decision makers should combine the principle of optimization and satisfaction so as to achieve sound balance between the best decision and the satisfactory decision .

  23. 第三,通过引入局势决策空间、局势效果测度、局势决策满意程度等一些新的概念,建立了满意局势决策集和满意决策局势区,提出了利用其寻找局势决策满意解的一种新方法。

    Thirdly , the aggregate of satisfactory situation decision-making is set up by introducing situation effect measure as well as the space and satisfactory degree of situation decision-making . We present a new method to find satisfactory situation decision-making ;