
  • 网络filter feeder;filter-feeder
  1. 科学家们在《自然》(Nature)杂志上报告说,这种龙虾状的动物长六英尺,是迄今发现的最早的大型滤食性动物之一。

    The lobsterlike animal , six feet long , is one of the earliest giant filter-feeder ever discovered , scientists reported in the journal Nature .

  2. 滤食性动物放流对西五里湖的生态修复作用初探

    Preliminary Study on Eco-restoration Effect of Releasing Suspension-feeding Animal on West Wuli Lake

  3. 改性明矾浆和滤食性动物控制月湖的蓝藻水华

    Study on Control of Blue-Green Blooms in Moon Lake by Using Ameliorated Alum Plasma and Filter - feeding Animals

  4. 这些贝壳类动物的滤食性动物,并可以累积较高层次的有毒物质,包括软骨藻酸,所产生的微小藻类。

    These shellfish are filter feeders and can accumulate high levels of toxics including domoic acid , produced by microscopic algae .

  5. 这些充满了毒素的物质威胁到了整个食物链,当食入了这些东西的滤食性动物被大型生物吃掉时,危害尤其大。

    These poison-filled masses threaten the entire food chain , especially when eaten by filter feeders that are then consumed by large creatures .

  6. 作为滤食性动物,一千克的海绵组织一天可以过滤海水达24000升,海绵可以有效的从周围的海水环境中获取食物。

    As sedentary filter-feeding organisms , sponges are remarkably efficient at obtaining food from the surrounding water and can pump up to 24,000 liters of seawater through a 1-kg sponge per day .