
làn fá lín mù zuì
  • crime of illegal denudation
  1. 盗伐林木罪和滥伐林木罪是发案率最高、危害最为严重的破坏森林资源犯罪。

    Crime of illegally chopping down trees and crime of illegal denudation are the main crimes of destroying forest reserves , and are the most serious crimes with highest rate among all crimes of destroying forest reserves .

  2. 盗伐滥伐林木罪的有关问题研究

    Study on Issues Related with Crime of Illegally Chopping Down Trees and Crime of Illegal Denudation

  3. 盗伐、滥伐林木罪的犯罪客体与犯罪对象。

    Object and target of these two crimes .

  4. 盗伐、滥伐林木罪的犯罪主体。

    Subject of the two crimes .

  5. 司法实践中可将涉林渎职犯罪的“前案”,即盗伐林木罪或者滥伐林木罪中“数量巨大”的标准,作为涉林渎职犯罪中“遭受重大损失”的衡量标准。

    The weigh standard may take the register criterion-Amount Greatness of the former case as the standard of the Else Bigness Loss in practice .

  6. 包括滥伐林木罪存在的问题;主观要件存在的的问题;是否构成犯罪和构成什么犯罪方面问题;具体定罪量刑的标准存在的问题。

    Including deforestation problems ; subjective existence question ; whether it constitutes a crime and what constitutes a crime problem ; specific conviction and sentencing of the standard problem .

  7. 非法收购盗伐、滥伐的林木罪若干问题探讨

    On the crime of illegal purchasing of lumber unlawfully or destructively felled