
làn yòng
  • abuse;misuse;overuse;waste;misapply;stretch;use indiscriminately;overdo
滥用 [làn yòng]
  • [abuse;misuse] 胡乱、过多地使用

  • 滥用资金

  • 不要滥用成语典故

滥用[làn yòng]
  1. 政府正在采取措施,打击滥用毒品。

    The government is taking action to combat drug abuse .

  2. 她的所作所为是滥用经理职权。

    What she did was an abuse of her position as manager .

  3. 医生被指责滥用抗生素。

    Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics .

  4. 你又在滥用我的名义吧?

    Have you been taking my name in vain again ?

  5. 许多人觉得他给好莱坞写剧本是滥用自己的才华。

    Many felt he was prostituting his talents by writing Hollywood scripts .

  6. 她滥用自己作为校长的职权,把工作安排给朋友们。

    She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends .

  7. 滥用信用卡使消费债务逐渐增加到了难以接受的地步。

    Overuse of credit cards has ratcheted up consumer debt to unacceptable levels .

  8. 这项制度容易被滥用。

    The system is open to abuse .

  9. 最终他因滥用公款被判有罪。

    He was eventually convicted for the misuse of official funds .

  10. 该制度动机虽好,却易遭滥用。

    The system , though well-meaning , is open to abuse

  11. 有些地方执法官滥用逮捕权进行逼供。

    Some magistrates have abused their powers of arrest to extort confessions .

  12. 他让我们看到有钱有势的人是如何滥用其地位的。

    He showed how the rich and powerful can abuse their position .

  13. 他被控涉嫌阴谋破坏、滥用资金以及其他几项罪行。

    He 's charged with conspiracy , misapplication of funds and other crimes .

  14. 两国都呼吁不要滥用武力。

    Both countries have called for a moderate approach to the use of force .

  15. 治安警察滥用武力的实例不胜枚举。

    There have been numerous instances of excessive force on the part of security police .

  16. 他被指控滥用秘密的政府行贿基金,金额达1,750万美元。

    He 's accused of misusing $ 17.5 million from a secret government slush fund .

  17. 滥用药物是体育赛事中无人想要触及的棘手问题。

    Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events .

  18. 你认为是什么原因导致警察行为过激,滥用暴力?

    What do you think causes the police to go overboard , to use excessive violence ?

  19. 法律遭到了滥用。

    The law had been misapplied .

  20. 不过,此类药品的显著疗效已经导致对其的滥用。

    The effectiveness of this class of drug has , however , led to their misuse .

  21. 没有监管,裁判可能会滥用权力。

    Without supervision , the judges might misuse their power .

  22. 候选人在他的演讲里谈到了滥用权力的问题。

    The candidate addressed the issue of power abuse in his speech .

  23. 他滥用市长的权力,任用了不少朋友。

    He abused his position as Mayor to give jobs to his friends .

  24. 不要滥用成语典故。

    We should not use proverbs and allusions indiscriminately .

  25. 那是权力的滥用。

    It 's a stretch of power .

  26. 这是最近一些滥用此词的事例。

    Here are some recent abuses of the word .

  27. 他从不滥用特权。

    He never abuses his privilege .

  28. 他们两人被指控滥用竞选基金而陷入困境,他们做得太过分而把事情败露了。

    Accused of misusing campaign funds both are in trouble because they went too far and gave the game away .

  29. 虽然华尔街高管利用收费高昂的律师来确保他们的团队不用对2008年金融危机所揭示的不当行为负责,但这些银行滥用我们的法律制度,取消抵押贷款的赎回权,驱逐房客,其中一些房客甚至并不欠钱。

    While Wall Street executives used their expensive lawyers to ensure that their ranks were not held accountable for the misdeeds that the crisis in 2008 so graphically revealed , the banks abused our legal system to foreclose on mortgages and eject tenants , some of whom did not even owe money .

  30. 它也可以被滥用,对弱势群体来说尤其如此。

    It can also be exploitative , especially when used with vulnerable populations .