
  • pretty baby;Beauty Baby
  1. 罗,我的漂亮宝贝,妈妈来了,宝贝。

    Ro , Mama peaches in the house , baby .

  2. 别太久,再见,漂亮宝贝

    Don 't take too long . All right . - Okay . Bye , girls .

  3. 随着婴儿用品的市场不断增长,这些婴儿中的漂亮宝贝正用他们肥嘟嘟的肩膀背负起重重的商业担子。

    As the market for infant products grows , a heavy commercial weight rests on the chubby shoulders of the baby talent .

  4. 在美国杂志《生活与生活方式》发起的“好莱坞漂亮宝贝”评选活动中,4岁的柬埔寨后裔马德克斯·茱丽-皮特脱颖而出,荣登排行榜首位。

    Cambodian-born Maddox Jolie-Pitt , 4 , topped America 's Life and Style magazine 's poll to find Hollywood 's best looking child .

  5. 随着婴儿用品的市场不断增长,这些婴儿中的“漂亮宝贝”正用他们肥嘟嘟的肩膀背负起重重的商业担子。

    As the market for infant products grows , a heavy commercial weight rests on the chubby shoulders of the baby " talent . "

  6. 常被当地媒体称作“漂亮宝贝”的杨淑君在2010年广州亚运会期间成为媒体报道的焦点。杨淑君因佩戴的电子护具中出现两枚违规放置的电子芯片而被取消比赛资格。

    Yang , often nicknamed " pretty baby " in local media , made headlines during the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou , China , where she was disqualified for wearing extra electronic sensors in her socks .

  7. 我知道他会说:“衣服真漂亮,宝贝,但你为什么要嫁给一个穿裙子的古董呢?”

    I know he would have said : " Great dress , baby , but why in the hell are you marrying the stiff in the skirt ? "

  8. 你真是个漂亮小宝贝啊维姬

    You sure are a pretty little thing , Vicky .

  9. 你瞧真漂亮,宝贝

    Check this out . That 's nice , hon .

  10. 当人与妖相爱的时候,尼密阿就从月亮上掉了下来,是上天赐给这对夫妇一个漂亮的宝贝,家人都叫他阿尼。

    When people and monsters loved each other , Nemean would fall from Moon , which was a gift to them .

  11. 你是不是史上最漂亮的小宝贝啊

    Aren 't you the cutest baby ever ?