
  • 网络Wheel rolling;Wheels Are Rolling
  1. 历史车轮滚滚向前,势不可挡。

    The wheel of history rolls forward with an irresistible force .

  2. 如今历史的车轮滚滚向前,而英国决策者把事情弄得一团糟。

    Now history is moving on , and the policymakers are messing up .

  3. 历史的车轮滚滚向前,2007年的中国通信业将面临新的拐点。

    Asweareprogressing , China telecommunication is faced with a new turning point in2007 .

  4. 藉着这类机缘,历史的车轮滚滚向前。

    On such chances the wheel of history turns .

  5. “弟兄们,给我冲啊,共军没有子弹了!”&《车轮滚滚》。

    Brethren , charge forward , no bullets with communist army . – 'Torrent of transportation '

  6. 车轮滚滚,马达轰鸣。我们城市的日新月异离不开这些钢铁巨兽的平稳运作。

    Wheels rolling and motors roaring , our dynamic city can not exist without these steel giants .

  7. 城市中心丧失多样性和居住意义,大路朝天车轮滚滚,街道交流以及街道安全感再无觅处。

    With the loss of diversity and any single living place , the city center has become a place simple for transportation , no longer providing us the communication and security we used to enjoy there .

  8. 随着历史车轮的滚滚向前,企业信息化已是大势所趋,ERP系统的建设成为我国各企业的迫切需求。

    With the development of history , enterprise 's informationization becomes more important and more and more enterprises need to implement ERP system .

  9. 我们更要以他们当年那样的远见卓识和开拓精神,推动中美关系的车轮继续滚滚向前。

    More importantly , we shall learn from their foresight and pioneering spirit , because we have to bring China-US relations forward .