
  • 网络Stephanie Che
  1. 车婉婉:金牛座是很喜欢赚钱的。

    Che Wan wan : a Taurus loves to make money .

  2. 车婉婉:这首歌几度身订做,表现我们的男高音和女低音。女歌手分为女高音、低音和女中音。

    Che Wan Wan : This song is quite custom-made . It demonstrates the tenor and the alto . Female singers are classified as sopranos , mezzo-sopranos and contraltos .

  3. 车婉婉:看看唱片公司的安排!将这首歌,这俩个人,这件事宣传到世界每一处地方。

    Che Wan wan : it depends on the arrangement of the record company . I will bring this song , these two persons and this thing to every part of the world .