
  1. 那辆车基本上还不错,但要注意车身上的漆水。

    The car 's basically sound , but the paintwork needs a bit of attention .

  2. 丙稀酸乳胶漆、水涂料、脂涂料、石漆涂料生产销售。

    Bingxisuan Rujiaoqi , waterproofing paint , resin coating , really Shiqi paint production sales .

  3. 中低粘度涂料,如:乳胶漆、水溶性涂料等。磨料流加工中流体磨料粘度的模糊分级

    Suitable for low or medium viscosity paint , such as emulsion and water-base coatings . Fuzzy Classing of Flowable Abrasive Mixture Viscosity in Abrasive Flow Machining

  4. 重点讨论了通过在水性镶木地板漆和水性印墨中正确地使用蜡助剂,以得到最有效的表面保护,如耐细微划伤性、耐擦洗性和耐磨性的可能性。

    This paper highlights the possibilities to attain the most effective surface protection , e.g. micro scratch resistance , scrub and abra sion resistance , by using the correct wax additive in waterborne parquet lacquers and aqueous printing inks .

  5. 国际海洋组织如今正设法扩大成果,以处理由于船漆和压舱水排放而造成的威胁。

    The IMO is now trying to extend this success to deal with threats from ship paints and ballast water discharge .

  6. 为提高激光冲击效果,并提高生产效率,分别使用改进配方后的黑漆涂层配合水约束层和柔性贴膜技术对奥氏体不锈钢进行激光冲击试验,对冲击后的硬度和残余压应力进行分析比较。

    In order to improve the effect of laser shocking and increasing efficiency of industry production , the laser shock experiment to the austenitic stainless steel had been carried out . The improved black paint cooperating with water confinement layer and flexible coating was used respectively .

  7. 严禁用油性漆清洁剂清洗水性漆喷枪。

    Do not clean the waterborne lacquer of the spray gun with the oily lacquer cleaner .

  8. 通过溶液聚合法制备了一种可用于配制电泳漆的低温固化水溶性丙烯酸酯树脂,对影响树脂性能和电泳效果的主要因素进行了探讨。

    A water soluble acrylate resin which was used to prepare electrophoretic coating solidified at low temperature , was synthesized by solution polymerization .

  9. 环保、健康是涂料的发展方向,以乳胶漆为代表的水性涂料是目前最流行的环保涂料。

    Environmental protection , health is the development direction of paint to water-based latex paint as the representative is the most popular green paint .

  10. 可广泛应用于水性装饰漆、木器漆、水性油墨等领域。

    It widely apply to the , fitment paint , water-wood-paint , water ink .

  11. 公司产品系列主要有:内墙乳胶漆、外墙乳胶漆、弹性外墙乳胶漆、水性氟碳涂料、质感艺术涂料、工业地坪等多种产品。

    The products mainly have : interior wall latex paint , exterior wall latex paint , flexible exterior wall latex paint , water based fluorocarbon paint , textural art paint , industrial terrace etc.