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  1. 加快构建完备的商业银行管理会计体系&访中国工商银行计划财务部总经理潘功胜博士

    Establishing the Sound Accounting System of Management for Commercial Banks

  2. 潘功胜还说,监管机构要建立统一、全面、共享的金融业综合统计体系,但他未提供进一步的细节。

    Mr. Pan said regulators would set up a unified and comprehensive calculation system for the financial sector , but didn 't give further details .

  3. 对于筹备农行香港上市部分的投资银行家,潘功胜公开评定其出勤率、回应的迅速程度以及工作质量,藉此鞭策他们加强纪律性。

    Mr Pan encouraged discipline among the investment bankers working on the Hong Kong portion of the IPO by openly grading them on their attendance , responsiveness , and the quality of their work .

  4. 潘功胜采用的比较不寻常的战术之一是,一直等到该行就要开始投资者路演之前,才任命联席全球协调人,即牵头上市交易的银行。

    One of the more unusual tactics employed by Mr Pan was to wait to appoint the joint global co-ordinators – the banks that lead the deal – until just before the company embarked on its investor roadshow .