
  • 网络thomas paine;PAN;paine;Payne
  1. 草丛中,他看到了潘恩大帝在睡觉。

    Among the woods he sees the great god Pan asleep .

  2. 潘恩知道自己根本跑不过怪兽,情急之中忽然想起了天河尽头的湖泊,于是拼命的向湖泊跑去。

    Suddenly , Pan remembered that cursed lake and ran towards it .

  3. 潘恩的话是对民主的强烈呼吁。

    Paine 's words are a clarion call for democracy .

  4. 赫特福德大学发展心理学教授卡伦J潘恩博士对德本汉姆百货公司的销售结果进行了解读。

    The Debenhams sales results have been interpreted by Dr Karen J.Pine , Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire .

  5. 18世纪,英裔美国革命家托马斯•潘恩(ThomasPaine)主张采用彩虹旗作为海上识别中立国船只的通用符号。

    In the 18th Century , the English-American revolutionary and author of the influential political tract Rights of Man , Thomas Paine , advocated for the adoption of the rainbow flag as a universal symbol for identifying neutral ships at sea .

  6. 潘恩先生切实地体现了华府与商界的关系。

    Mr Penn is the very embodiment of the Washington-business nexus .

  7. 潘恩用蔑视和煽动性的演说对付起诉。

    Pain replied to the prosecution by defiance and inflammatory speeches .

  8. 潘恩先生的中间路线在一定程度上源于个人的政治信仰。

    Mr Penn 's centrism is partly a matter of personal sympathies .

  9. 伯克、潘恩的冲突与共识

    The Conflict and Consensus : On the Political Thoughts of Burke and Paine

  10. 潘恩先生则继续运营博雅公关,而且管理着公司的微软账户。

    Mr Penn continues to run Burson-Marsteller and to manage its Microsoft account himself .

  11. 牧神潘恩长得很丑。

    God Pan had an ugly face .

  12. 漂亮女士:你好,潘恩。汤姆,向潘思问好,谢谢。

    Ms Smart : Hi , Pam . Tom , say hello to Pam , please .

  13. 他简直是潘恩化身,还会做各种大大小小的哨子了。

    He was a very Pan in the manufacture of whistles of all sizes and sorts .

  14. 宙斯以他的形象创造了魔羯座,而魔羯座的人们也像潘恩一样,严谨而内敛,对于幸福有着自己独特的理解。

    Therefore , Capricorn people are like Pan , who have a cautious and introverted character .

  15. 仙子十分感激想把潘恩拉上来,但是潘恩的下半身已经变成了鱼!

    The fairy was grateful , but half of Pan 's body had become a fish .

  16. 和罗夫一样,潘恩先生也热衷于对巨细靡遗的选战细节事必躬亲。

    And Mr Penn has a rove-like enthusiasm for micromanaging as many details of the campaign as he can .

  17. 潘恩也是几名首先呼吁结束奴隶制并呼吁人权的伟人之一。

    Paine was among the first to call for an end to slavery and for human rights around the world .

  18. 想要收获自由之果的人,必须承受维护自由的劳苦。(潘恩)

    Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it . ( T. Paine )

  19. 眼看怪兽冲着仙子而去,胆小而害羞的潘恩却猛地跳了出来,他抱起仙子就跑,怪兽紧紧追赶。

    While the monster rushed at her , the timid and shy boy Pan picked up the fairy and ran away .

  20. 潘恩先生竭尽全力想要说服希拉里无需为投票支持伊拉克战争道歉。

    Mr Penn has fought hard to persuade Mrs Clinton not to apologise for voting in favour of the war in Iraq .

  21. 潘恩先生是个坚定忠诚的中间派人士,他认为胜选需要靠拉拢中间选民而非巩固基本盘来实现。

    Mr Penn is a committed centrist who thinks elections are won by wooing swing voters rather than revving up the base .

  22. 这显示了另一个不同点:潘恩先生不太可能会对希拉里执掌的白宫产生罗夫一样的影响力。

    This suggests another difference : there is little chance that Mr Penn will try to wield Rove-sized influence over a Clinton White House .

  23. 但是,潘恩先生可能有自己的弱点&与商业利益割舍不断的联系和对任何带有民粹色彩的事物根深蒂固的厌恶。

    But Mr Penn may have a weakness of his own & his umbilical ties to business interests and his visceral distaste for anything that smells of populism .

  24. 但是潘恩无所顾及,他知道即使自己在最热闹的地方也不会有人注意,还不如就在这湖泊边上吹箫,或许仙子可以听见呢!

    But Pan did not care about it as he knew nobody would notice him even if he was in the masses . He preferred to play the flute and hoped fairy would hear him .

  25. 没有一次午餐会或晚餐会少得了潘恩,他那谈笑风声的智慧,那美妙的歌喉,那无所畏惧的勇气,那光明磊落的大丈夫气概,风魔了所有的大学生。

    No dinner or supper party was complete without him , and Pen 's jovial wit , and Pen 's songs , and dashing courage , and frank and manly bearing , charmed all the undergraduates .

  26. 潘恩也叫“牧羊人卫星”,得名于“牧羊之神”。阿特拉斯得名于“双肩顶天”的太阳神提坦,这是因为它看起来像是在支撑土星的外环。

    Pan , being what is known as a " shepherd moon , " got its name from the god of shepherds , while Atlas was named after the titan who " held the sky on his shoulders , " since it supports the rings of Saturn .