
  • 网络Potential entrants;potential competitor;potential rivals
  1. 本文基于中国日化用品行业应用扩展的Hotelling模型分析了在位企业可以利用品牌扩散战略在获取经济利润的同时,成功阻止潜在竞争者的进入。

    The paper applies to extensive Hotelling model to analyze Chinese daily chemical articles industry . It is concluded that reigning enterprises can make use of the brand extension strategies to successfully deter potential competitors ' entry as welt as achieve economic profits .

  2. 过去,反垄断法禁止垄断大户收购其潜在竞争者。

    In the old days , antitrust laws kept monopolies from buying potential competitors .

  3. 而对于这家总部位于华盛顿的机构的干预,法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)一定面带恐惧。IMF总裁多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩(DominiqueStrauss-Kahn)是其职位的重量级潜在竞争者。

    Nicolas Sarkozy , the French president , must look with horror on intervention by a Washington-based institution headed by Dominique Strauss-Kahn , a heavyweight potential rival for his job .

  4. Potter的竞争理论,对醋酸市场的现有竞争者、潜在竞争者、替代品竞争者、供应商的讨价还价能力和购买者的讨价还价能力等五种竞争作用力进行了研究。

    Potter , this paper studies the five forces of acetic acid industry including the current rivals , the threats of entry , the threats of substitutes , the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of buyers .

  5. 波特五力模型分析从本项目的供应商、消费者、潜在竞争者、现有竞争者以及替代者五个方面进行的分析和论证,运用SWOT的分析方法对本项目进行自身的优势和劣势分析。

    It is demonstrated by the theory of Potter Five Forces Model Analysis from supplier , consumer , potential competitor , existing competitor and replacement and carry on its own advantage and inferior position analysis to this project using the analytical method of SWOT .

  6. 通过对顾客、供应商、替代品、潜在竞争者和行业内竞争等五种竞争力量的分析,了解了行业的竞争结构和状况;

    By analysis of five competitive forces model , we master the competition construction and situation .

  7. 现有竞争对手已对邮政速递物流业务发展构成巨大威胁,潜在竞争者同样需引起高度重视。

    Existing competitor already to postal-delivery logistics business development pose a big threat and potential competitors also need attention .

  8. 同时对A药业公司面临的竞争态势进行了详细的分析,主要包括A药业面前的现实竞争者、潜在竞争者的情况介绍。

    This part also contains the analysis of information of actual competitor , potential competitor and current competition focus of the company .

  9. 现在的压力主要是来自购买者方面,材料供应商方面压力较大,而替代品、潜在竞争者压力相对较低。

    The pressure comes mainly from purchaser and raw material provider , the pressure come from substitutes and potential competitors are relatively less .

  10. 不论是在国内市场还是在国际市场,一方面,华夏公司寻求新的发展空间的过程,也就是找寻潜在竞争者的过程;

    Both in domestic and export markets , the process that Huaxia looks for new developing opportunities is also that for the potential competitors .

  11. 英特尔的行为不仅不公地限制了潜在竞争者的发展,而且还损害了普通消费者的利益,剥夺了他们享受更好产品和更低价格的权利。

    Intel 's actions not only unfairly restricted potential competitors , but also hurt average consumers who were robbed of better products and lower prices .

  12. 除了来自公司内部的困难外还有来自公司外部同行业的竞争,行业内外潜在竞争者的进入压力。

    Apart from difficulties from the company as well as from outside the company competitive with the industry , potential competitors to enter the industry will bring pressure .

  13. 本文剖析了小型石油企业华东石油局面临的宏观环境,显在及潜在竞争者,替代品和企业商业伙伴。

    This paper analyzes the macro environment , existing and potential competitors , substitution products and business partners that are confronting East-China Petroleum Bureau , a small-sized petroleum enterprise .

  14. 同时,由于小企业自身条件的限制和我国特定的知识产权保护现状,这类企业面临着潜在竞争者的进入威胁和无差异化的价格竞争。

    At the same time , however , this kind of small business face the entrant threat from the potential competitor due to the low entrant barrier or mobility barrier .

  15. 目前,由于快速消费品行业进入壁垒较低,行业内竞争对手和潜在竞争者较多,因此在市场上相互之间竞争相当激烈。

    At present , the fast moving consumer goods industry have low barriers to entry and there are many competitors and potential competitors , so the market is highly competitive .

  16. 而在上周,英国宣布将加入500亿美元资金的亚洲基础设施投资银行,成了位于华盛顿的世界银行的潜在竞争者。

    The decision by the three European governments comes after Britain announced last week that it would join the $ 50bn Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , a potential rival to the Washington-based World Bank .

  17. 随着世界经济一体化与全球化趋势的不断加强,现代企业所面临的竞争日益激烈,它们所承受的来自于已有竞争者、供应商、客户、潜在竞争者和替代产品的压力也越来越大。

    With the strengthening trend of economic centralization and globalization , modern enterprises will face intenser competition . The pressure they endure from competitors , suppliers , customers , potential competitors and substitutes will also be bigger and bigger .

  18. 虽然芬克与副手卡皮托自2005年以来就在和董事会讨论接班人问题当时公司的创始元老刚刚开始离去并培养了很多潜在竞争者,但目前仍无明确的接班人选。

    While Mr Fink and Mr kapito have been discussing the succession with the board since 2005 when the founding generation first started to depart , and have nurtured lots of contenders , there still is no clear heir .

  19. 进而分析了网络教育企业所面临的竞争者、潜在竞争者、替代者、供应方、消费者等五种竞争因素,为企业开展网络教育业务提供了思路和准备。

    Then it analyzes the five competitive factors faced by network education enterprises such as competitors , latent competitors , replacers , suppliers , consumers and so on , so that it provides ideas and preparations for enterprises to develop network education operations .

  20. 宏观环境中金融危机的严重威胁,以及行业内强大竞争者、潜在竞争者和真空镀铝纸等替代品的威胁,使公司面临外部强大危机。

    Macroeconomic environment , a serious threat to the financial crisis , as well as a strong competitor within the industry , potential competitors and Vacuum Metallized paper and so on the threat of substitutes , the company is facing strong external crisis .

  21. 继而运用波特的五种竞争力量模型分析研究目标市场中的行业结构,并重点分析了主要竞争对手和潜在竞争者的战略特点和目标客户的需求特点及发展趋势。

    As to the analyze of cement industry participants , I use Porter Model of five competitive force to give careful study on strategy character of main competitors and potential competitors , as well as the demanding character and development trend of targeting clients .

  22. 现有竞争对手已对邮政企业发展速递业务构成巨大威胁,潜在竞争者同样需引起高度重视,政策的变化将对整个速递市场竞争格局带来重大影响,竞争将日益加剧。

    Existing competitors have already posed a great threat to post enterprise ; we also need to pay high attention to the potential competitors . Policy changes will bring major impacts on competition structure of the whole express market , and competition will become increasingly intensified .

  23. 由于她深得人心,那些潜在的竞争者都被镇住,无人敢向她挑战领导地位。

    Potential rivals were so cowed by her popularity that no-one dared challenge her for the leadership .

  24. 当潜在求偶竞争者闯入男性狐猴的领地时,男性狐猴会将它们的厕所安在相对更高的地方。

    But male lemurs upped their latrine visits when potential competitors for females came into their home area .

  25. 从斯大林以来的历任领袖都很器重他的才干,而都不把他看成是潜在的竞争者。

    Successive leaders beginning with Stalin had valued his competence ; none had seen him as a potential rival .

  26. 在最初的市场导入期,竞争情报的作用是识别和监控潜在的竞争者。

    During the initial stage of market introduction , the role of CI will be to identify and monitor potential competitors .

  27. 当一个国家开始不知收敛地寻求比其潜在的竞争者强大得多的优势时,战争的危险就上升了。

    It is when one nation becomes infinitely more powerful in relation to its potential competitor that the danger of war arises .

  28. 我们是骄傲的迎合一个多样的溜冰社区和努力给潜在的竞争者我们能提供的最好的信息和服务。

    We are proud to cater to a diverse skating community and strive to give potential competitors the best information and service we can offer .

  29. 他去世几个月后,并成功地通过他的儿子洪太极第八届谁后出现短期的政治斗争以及其他潜在的竞争者为新汗。

    Hedied a few months later and was succeeded by his eighth son Hung Taijiwho emerged after a short political struggle amongst other potentialcontenders as the new Khan .

  30. 第一部分,对整个照明行业及节能灯制造业进行了环境扫描,主要分析了现有的竞争者、潜在的竞争者及可能的替代产品。

    The thesis has six sections : Chapter one : the environment scan of the entire industry , mostly the existing competes , potential competes , possible substitute product .