
  • 网络submarine force
  1. 同其水面舰队相比,英国的潜艇部队规模相对较小。

    In contrast with its surface fleet , Britain 's submarine force was relatively small .

  2. 潜水蛟龙美国军事专家谈中国潜艇部队

    Military Climb Chinese Submarine Force in the Eyes of Americans

  3. 潜艇部队士兵285名心理健康影响因素的路径分析

    Path analysis on influential factors of mental health in 285 submariners

  4. 海军一定是由水面舰艇部队和潜艇部队组成。

    Navy must be composed of surface ship unit and submarine unit .

  5. 担负战略核反击任务的核动力潜艇部队,直接由中央军委指挥。

    The nuclear-powered submarine force , which assumes the strategic nuclear counterattack mission , is under the direct command of the CMC .

  6. 潜艇部队编有常规动力潜艇部队和核动力潜艇部队,具有水下攻击和一定的核反击能力。

    The submarine force is composed both of conventional and nuclear-powered units , with underwater attack and some nuclear counterattack capabilities respectively .

  7. 结论:海军潜艇部队官兵心理亚健康状况受环境、躯体健康及社会心理因素的多重影响。

    CONCLUSION : Environmental , physical and social psychological factors will affect the psychological sub-health of officers and soldiers in navy submarine units .

  8. 海军由潜艇部队、水面舰艇部队、航空兵、岸防兵和陆战队等兵种及专业部(分)队组成。

    The Navy has such arms as the submarine , surface , naval aviation , coastal defense and marine corps , as well as other specialized units .

  9. 上周末中日局势趋于紧张之际,中国首次详细展示了其第一支核潜艇部队的情况,这是凸显出中国军事自信的最新信号。

    The tensions over the weekend coincided with China unveiling details of its first nuclear submarine force for the first time , in the latest sign of its military confidence .

  10. 目的:探讨某潜艇部队官兵心理亚健康的影响因素,为改善其心理亚健康状况提供对策。

    AIM : To analyze the main factors affecting the psychological sub-health of the officers and soldiers in a submarine unit and to propose some strategies to improve the psychological sub-health .

  11. 连续20年的两位数军费增长,已经转变了中国的军事实力。如今它拥有庞大且日趋先进的潜艇部队、俄式装备的空军,以及大幅增强的弹道导弹、卫星和网络作战实力。

    Two decades of double-digit spending have transformed Beijing 's military capabilities : it now possesses a large and increasingly sophisticated submarine fleet , a Russian-built airforce , and vastly improved ballistic , satellite and cyber-warfare capabilities .

  12. 他对潜艇非常着迷,因此加入了潜艇部队。

    He had a fascination for submarines and joined this branch of the service .

  13. 潜艇失事后如何救援一直是困扰各国海军潜艇部队的大难题。

    How to rescue wreck submarine is a big problem that always puzzles every country 's submarine force .