
  • 网络phreatic evaporation;groundwater evaporation
  1. 计算潜水蒸发系数的反Logistic公式

    Inverse-Logistic Formula for Calculation of Phreatic Evaporation Coefficient

  2. 结果表明:由于土表盐壳形成后对水分蒸发的抑制,不同大气蒸发能力条件下地下水埋深为50cm时,随蒸发历时的延长,潜水蒸发由稳定变为非稳定状态。

    The results show that the steady state phreatic evaporation changes into non-steady state with the increase of evaporation time at 50 cm depth of groundwater table owing to the effect of salt crust on the water movement .

  3. 在干旱少雨(年降雨量小于100mm)的环境中,来自河川补给的潜水蒸发,成为植被水分最主要来源,对植被生态系统起决定性的作用。

    In the arid and rainless environment ( yearly precipitation less than 100mm ), the groundwater evaporation from river runoff supply is vitally useful for vegetation ecosystem , for it is the main source of vegetation water demand .

  4. 层位为35cm时砂层对潜水蒸发量和土壤表层返盐的抑制率可达70%~80%左右。

    The controlled amount for the sand layer against the water and salt transport was 70 % ~ 80 % when the distance was more than 35 cm .

  5. 冻结期与融解期潜水蒸发系数模拟研究

    Simulative Study on Groundwater Evaporation Coefficient in Freezing and Thawing Period

  6. 叶尔羌河流域潜水蒸发规律试验分析

    Analysis of the phreatic evaporation in Yarkant River basin , Xinjiang

  7. 作物生长条件下潜水蒸发的数值模拟研究

    Digital Simulation Study of Phreatic Water Evaporation Under Crops Growing

  8. 辽宁地区潜水蒸发变化规律及观测研究

    Study on Phreatic Water Evaporation Change Rules and Observation for Liaoning Area

  9. 潜水蒸发系数的观测实验与分析计算

    Observation Experiment and Analysis Calculation on Phreatic Water Evaporation Coefficient

  10. 浅析土壤质地及结构对潜水蒸发的影响

    Preliminary Analysis on Effect of Soil Texture and Structure upon Groundwater Evaporation

  11. 潜水蒸发经验公式分段拟合研究

    Sectioned Curve Fitting on Empirical Formula for Estimating Phreatic Evaporation

  12. 夹砂层状土壤潜水蒸发特性及计算模型

    Characteristics and calculation model of phreatic evaporation of sand-layered soil

  13. 潜水蒸发条件下不同质地剖面的土壤水盐运动

    Salt-water dynamics in soil profiles of different texture under groundwater evaporation condition

  14. 辽宁地区潜水蒸发规律研究

    Experiment Research on Phreatic Evaporation Rules in Liaoning Province

  15. 潜水蒸发与埋深关系的分析

    Analysis of Relations Between Phreatic Water Evaporation and Water Table Dephs Deep Autumn

  16. 原平水源地潜水蒸发规律分析与研究

    Study on the Law of Groundwater Evaporation for the Water Resource in Yuanping

  17. 豫东平原潜水蒸发试验研究

    Research on the Experiment of Phreatic Water Evaporation on the Eastern Henan Plain

  18. 新疆平原区潜水蒸发研究

    Study on Phreatic Evaporation in Xinjiang Plain Area

  19. 有作物条件下潜水蒸发计算方法的实验研究

    A Study on the Calculation Method of Evaporation from Groundwater in Seasons of Crops

  20. 不同地下水埋深条件下农田潜水蒸发规律

    Law of Groundwater Evaporation in Farmland Under Different Conditions of Buried Depth of Groundwater

  21. 塔里木盆地北东缘潜水蒸发研究

    Study of the evaporation of phreatic water in the northeastern margin of Tarim Basin

  22. 淮北平原有无作物生长条件下潜水蒸发规律试验

    Experiment on phreatic evaporation of bare soil and soil with crop in Huaibei plain

  23. 土壤质地对潜水蒸发的影响

    Study on phreatic evaporation under different soil textures

  24. 用直接估算法确定区域潜水蒸发量

    Direct Estimation Method to Determine Regional Phreatic Evaporation

  25. 潜水蒸发的计算问题

    The computing problem in phreatic water evaporation

  26. 层状土壤中砂层层位对潜水蒸发的影响

    Effect of the sand layer position on the phreatic evaporation in the layered soil profile

  27. 土壤冻结过程中潜水蒸发规律的模拟研究

    Simulation on phreatic evaporation during soil freezing

  28. 农田潜水蒸发的变化规律及其计算方法研究

    A study on the variation laws of field phreatic water evaporation and its calculation method

  29. 高地下水位条件下盐渍土区潜水蒸发特性及计算方法

    Phreatic evaporation characteristics and calculation methods with the shallow water table in the saline soil region

  30. 该实验为定量研究夹砂层状土壤潜水蒸发提供了新思路。

    The research supplies a new method for quantitative study of steady phreatic evaporation of sand-layer soil .