
  • 网络groundwater basin
  1. 鄂尔多斯白垩系地下水盆地天然水体环境同位素组成及其水循环意义

    Environmental Isotopic Composition of Natural Water in Ordos Cretaceous Groundwater Basin and Its Significance for Hydrological Cycle

  2. 以不同的研究尺度,白垩系地下水盆地可以划分为若干地下水流系统。

    According to different dimensions , the cretaceous groundwater basin can be divided into many groundwater flow systems .

  3. CFCS法在鄂尔多斯白垩系地下水盆地浅层地下水年龄研究中的应用

    Application of CFC_S Methods in Dating Shallow Groundwater in the Ordos Cretaceous Groundwater Basin

  4. 地面沉降在管理地下水盆地的工作中可以算是一个关键性因素。

    Subsidence may be the critical factor in managing a ground water reservoir .

  5. 鄂尔多斯盆地是由多种不同类型岩石上下叠置构成的构造沉积盆地,因此它也是一个由不同含水岩类的多个含水层系统上下叠置构成的巨型地下水盆地。

    Geologically , the basin is characterized by superposition of water-bearing formations ; thereby it is hydro-geologically a multiple groundwater systems in vertical .

  6. 在对鄂尔多斯白垩系地下水盆地1125件地下水化学样品进行分析的基础上,总结出研究区不同循环深度地下水化学类型的分布规律。

    The horizontal zonal characteristics of hydrochemical type in groundwater with three circulation depths of shallow , middle and deep level have been studied in the Ordos Cretaceous Artesian Basin on the basis of analyzing 1 125 hydrochemical samples .

  7. 沉积盆地中的热传递和地下水活动是盆地动力学研究中的一个前沿课题,具有十分重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。

    Heat transfer and groundwater activity are of significant importance in basin dynamics . Theoretically , it relates to the basin formation and development .

  8. 用地下水资料探讨渭河盆地及周边地区地震形势

    Inquiring into the seismic situation in the Weihe Basin and vicinity by means of underground water

  9. 白垩系地下水主要蕴藏在盆地北部,并以淡水占优势;

    The ground water in Cretacic is mainly distributed in the north part of the basin , fresh water constitutes the majority .

  10. 塔里木盆地为封闭的内陆干旱盆地,属一级地下水系统,根据盆地的沉积环境条件、地表水流域特征,结合地下水补径排条件,进一步划分出二、三级地下水系统。

    Tarim Basin , a closed inland droughty basin , belongs to first order groundwater system and can be divided into second and third order groundwater system according to their sedimentary environment and surface water drainage area .

  11. 认为地质构造上的封闭性、强还原/弱碱性/富含有机质的水文地球化学环境、地下水运动滞缓是盆地地下水中多种原生有害组分富集的基本条件。

    The results show that the primary harmful components would be concentrated under the following conditions : the geological structure is enclosed , the environment of strong reducing / alkalescent / full of organic matter in groundwater and groundwater seepage velocity is slow .

  12. 塔克拉玛干沙漠第四系松散层地下水主要是从盆地南缘侧向补给的,在沙漠腹地由深部向浅部顶托排泄。

    It is concluded from the δ D - δ ~ 18 [ KG-9 ] O plot for all water samples that groundwater stored in Quaternary deposit in the Taklimakan Desert is mainly recharged laterally from the south and flows from deep to shallow vertically .