
  • 网络aquic brown soil
  1. 潮棕壤线虫群落对土地利用方式的响应

    Responses of nematode communities to land use in an aquic brown soil

  2. 四种供试农田或林地均发育于潮棕壤,以不同方式利用已经达14年时间。

    The four test farmlands and woodland are originated from aquic brown soil .

  3. 氮肥对潮棕壤稻田N2O排放和土壤无机氮素的影响

    Effects of N fertilization on the N_2O emissions and soil nitrogen in aquic brown soil

  4. 潮棕壤土水分特征曲线预测方法研究

    Prediction Method of the Characteristic Curve of Water in Brown Soil

  5. 不同有机物料在潮棕壤中有机碳分解进程

    Decomposition process of organic carbon of different organic materials in meadow brown soil

  6. 土地利用方式对潮棕壤磷素剖面分布的影响

    Effects of Land Use on the Profile Distribution of Phosphorus in Aquic Brown Soil

  7. 亚高山草甸土青稞肥料效应与优化施肥研究不同施肥模式下潮棕壤微量元素含量及其变化状况

    Effects of Different Fertilization Treatments on Contents and Changes of Trace Elements in Aquic Brown Soil

  8. 不同耕作和轮作下潮棕壤微生物生物量及周转特征

    Characteristics of turnover and soil microbial biomass in meadow brown soil under different rotation and tillage systems

  9. 不同利用方式对潮棕壤比表面影响的研究

    Depth Profile Distribution of Soil Specific Surface Area in an Aquic Brown Soil as Affected by Land Use

  10. 下辽河平原潮棕壤稻田的无机态氮淋溶

    Inorganic Nitrogen Leaching from Meadow Brown Rice Field on Lower Liaohe River Plain as Affected by Chemical N Fertilization

  11. 下辽河平原潮棕壤不同粒级碳和氮分布研究

    Distribution of C and N in different particle fractions of meadow brown soil in lower reach of Liaohe River Plain

  12. 通过野外、室内一定数量的光谱测试及其化学成分鉴定,详细地分析和研究山东招远东良乡潮棕壤土光谱特点,认为该土属沙土和沃土的混合。

    Through soil spectral and chemical analysis , it is found that the brown soil in Dongling Xiang , Zhaoyuan , Shangdong is sandy loam .

  13. 作者对潮棕壤不同土地利用方式(旱田、撂荒地和林地)下土壤线虫群落时空分布特征进行了研究,结果表明,不同土地利用方式能够影响线虫群落及其优势属的时空分布。

    The results showed that land-use types affected the spatiotemporal distribution of soil nematodes and their dominant genera , and different dominant genera showed different responses to land uses .

  14. 免耕与常规耕作潮棕壤交换性阳离子的剖面分布特征不同施肥模式下潮棕壤微量元素含量及其变化状况

    Profile Distribution of Exchangeable Cations under No-till and Conventional Tillage in An Aquic Brown Soil Effects of Different Fertilization Treatments on Contents and Changes of Trace Elements in Aquic Brown Soil

  15. 本试验以潮土、黄棕壤为供试土壤,分别选取小白菜、蕃茄作为叶菜类和果菜类代表,以土培、田间试验探讨了施用氮肥对两种蔬菜NO3~&N积累的影响。

    In the present study , both soil and culture experiments were conducted .

  16. 主要土壤类型土壤水溶性氟含量顺序是砂姜黑土、潮土>黄棕壤、紫色土>水稻土>石灰土、粗骨土。

    The test results show the following order of soil types as regard to the soluble fluorine contents from high to low : Shajiang dark soil , Yellow brown earth and Purple soil , Paddy soil , Limy soil .