
  • 网络The University of New South Wales;University of New South Wale;unsw
  1. 卡尔·塞耶是澳大利亚新南威尔士大学的东南亚政治分析家。

    Carl Thayer is a southeast Asia political analyst with the University of New South Wales in Australia .

  2. 马丁·格林,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学教授,从事对太阳能应用发展方面的研究。

    Martin Green is an Australian professor at the University of New South Wales who works intensively with the development of the use of solar energy .

  3. 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学商学院(UNSWBusinessSchoolofAustralia)澳大利亚管理研究生院(AGSM)首次上榜,排在第八位。

    AGSM at UNSW Business School of Australia entered the ranking for the first time in eighth position .

  4. C17.2祖细胞系由澳大利亚新南威尔士大学解剖教研室DavidWalsh博士惠赠。

    David Walsh from the Department of Anatomy , The University of New South Wales , Australia , provided the C17.2 cell line .

  5. 澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔士大学的迈克尔查普曼的从事不同种类的辅助生育治疗之间的比较研究。

    So says Michael Chapman at the University of New South Wales in Sydney , Australia , following a study that compared different kinds of assisted fertility treatment ( AFT ) .

  6. 澳大利亚悉尼市新南威尔士大学的教授罗布·布鲁克斯和同事开展了此项调查,他们让100位男生对201幅女性身形素描的魅力作出评价,这些女性的臀围、腰围和肩宽各不相同。

    Professor Rob Brooks at the University of New South Wales in Sydney , Australia , and colleagues , asked 100 male students to judge the attractiveness of 201 line drawings of female torsos with different hip , waist and shoulder measurements .