
  • 网络macadamia nut;Macadamia;Macadamia ternifolia
  1. 世界澳洲坚果业之现状与前景

    Present Situations and Developing Prospects of Macadamia Nut Industry around the World

  2. 杀虫剂防治澳洲坚果蛀果螟的试验

    Test of Controlling Macadamia Nut Borer with Insecticide

  3. 目的:针对澳洲坚果成熟叶片中富含多糖、多酚等杂质的特点,建立澳洲坚果成熟叶片中提取高质量DNA的方法。

    Objective : To select the best method to extract DNA from mature leaves of Macadamia which was rich in polysaccharide and polyphenol .

  4. 结果表明:在磷胁迫条件下,澳洲坚果叶片中叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量以及叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值均显著下降;

    The results showed that the contents of chlorophyll a and b , total chlorophyll , and the ratio of chlorophyll a / b reduced when these seedlings were under phosphorus stress .

  5. 广西引种澳洲坚果的气候适应性分析

    Analysis of Climatic Adaptability for Introduction of Australian Nut in Guangxi

  6. 水分胁迫对澳洲坚果叶片矿质元素含量的影响

    Effect of Moisture Stress on Mineral Content in the Macadamia Leaf

  7. 澳洲坚果根系在土壤中生长、分布调查

    Investigation on Growth and Distribution of Macadamia Root System in Soil

  8. 云南澳洲坚果速衰病两种病原菌接种试验

    Inoculation Test on Pathogen of Macadamia Rapid Decline Disease in Yunnan

  9. 水分胁迫对澳洲坚果生理生化指标的影响

    Effect of Water Stress on Physiology and Biochemical Index of Macadamia

  10. 带皮澳洲坚果不同贮存形式及贮存期对果仁品质的影响

    Effect of Storing Method and Storage Time on the Kernel Quality

  11. 澳洲坚果优质嫁接苗培育技术研究

    A Study on Grafting Plant Cultivation Technology of Macadamia integrifolia

  12. 澳洲坚果果仁中粗脂肪与脂肪酸含量的变异分析

    Variation Analysis of Crude Fat and Fatty Acid Contents in Macadamia Kernel

  13. 云南省澳洲坚果主要害虫的生物学特性和防治

    The Biological Characteristics and Control of Primary Pests on Macadamia in Yunnan

  14. 云南澳洲坚果采收、贮藏与加工技术

    Harvest , Preservation and Processing of Macadamia Nut in Yunnan

  15. 澳洲坚果主要引进品种产量和品质的研究

    Yield and Kernel Quality of the Major Macadamia Varieties Introduced

  16. 澳洲坚果壳活性炭制备的热解特性研究

    Study on Pyrolysis Characteristics of Macadamia Shell during Preparation of Activated Carbon

  17. 思茅澳洲坚果引种试种初报

    A preliminary Report on Introduction and Trial-planting of Macadamia Nuts in Simao

  18. 磷胁迫对澳洲坚果幼苗叶片光合作用的影响

    Influence of Phosphorus Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Macadamia Seedlings

  19. 不同基因型澳洲坚果的营养成分分析与品质模糊评判

    Nutrient ingredients analysis and quality evaluation in different macadamia genotypes

  20. 澳洲坚果品种抗寒性研究

    Study on cold resistance in Macadamia cultivars based on POD and EST isoenzyme

  21. 嫁接时间对澳洲坚果高接成活率有极显著的影响,1月嫁接成活率极显著高于4、7、10月;

    Grafting time had significant influence on survival rate , especially higher in January .

  22. 一些澳洲坚果品种在云南的早期表现

    Early performance of some macadamia cultivars in Yunnan

  23. 澳洲坚果开花与座果习性的调查

    Behavior of Flowering and Fruiting of Macadamia Varieties

  24. 15个澳洲坚果品种在云南的产量及品质

    Yield and Nut Quality of 15 Macadamia ( Macadamia spp. ) Cultivars in Yunnan

  25. 研究以废弃澳洲坚果壳为原料的活性炭制备。

    The research aimed to study the preparation of activated carbon with Macadamia shell .

  26. 不同土壤水分胁迫对澳洲坚果花期生长的影响

    Effects of soil water stress on the growth of Macadamia at the flowering stage

  27. 10个品种澳洲坚果叶片解剖学的比较研究

    Anatomical Structure of Leaves of 10 Macadamia Cultivars

  28. 澳洲坚果坚果是最适合你据单油脂路要走。

    Macadamia nuts are the best for you as far as monounsaturated fats go .

  29. 澳洲坚果在贵州的发展前景

    Development Prospects of Macadamia Nut in Guizhou

  30. 澳洲坚果果实生长发育及落果的探讨

    Fruit development and drop of Macadamia integrifolia