
ɡāo nínɡ zhuànɡ tài
  • hypercoagulable state
  1. 结论NS时存在血液高凝状态,易并发PTE。

    Conclusions NS exists in the hypercoagulable state in blood .

  2. 结论AMI发作期间体内组织因子途径被启动,血液呈现高凝状态。

    Conclusion During the onset of AMI , TFP is initiated and the blood is in hypercoagulable state .

  3. 高凝状态大鼠肝脏差异表达基因正向消减cDNA文库的构建与初筛

    Construction and Preliminary Screening of a Forward-subtracted cDNA Library for Differentially Expressed Genes in Rat Liver of Prothrombotic State

  4. 此外,营养不良、免疫力低下以及体内的高凝状态是CRF患者的主要特征。

    Nutrition deficiency , lower immunity and high coagulation state are the main features in CRF patients .

  5. 结论:血栓分子标志物的检测对DM病人高凝状态的诊断具有很高的临床指导意义。

    Conclusion : The alteration of thrombus molecular markers would reveal a higher sensitivity for diagnosis of high coagulation state in DM patients .

  6. 结论MHD患者存在血管内皮细胞功能损伤、高凝状态和纤溶亢进;

    Conclusion There were dysfunctions of endothelial cell , hypercoagulable state and fibrinolysis defects in MHD patients .

  7. 目的通过血小板参数的分析认识血小板在原发性肝细胞肝癌(HCC)患者的高凝状态中的作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of platelet at hypercoagulable states in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) by analyzing platelet parameters .

  8. 动脉瘤性SAH后症状性脑血管痉挛与高凝状态相关性及防治研究

    The relationship between Symptomatic Cerebral vasospasm and high coagulation state following aneurysmal SAH and its prophylactic study

  9. 结论DR患者存在血小板计数增多及活化增强带来的高凝状态,可能成为DR发生发展的一个重要因素。

    Conclusion DR patients have easily coagulated statue due to blood platelet count increasing and activation strengthening and it may be an important factor that makes DR occur and development .

  10. 结论通过对血小板参数的分析,我们认为血小板在HCC患者高凝状态形成中不是主要因素。

    Conclusion After having analyzed the platelet parameters , we think that the platelet isn ′ t the most important factor at hypercoagulable states in patients with HCC .

  11. 目的:研究叶酸、维生素B12水平与老年人高凝状态的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between folic acid , cyanocobalamin , and the hypercoagulability state in elder .

  12. 结论:尿毒症患者存在高凝状态,CAPD对尿毒症高凝状态有一定的改善。

    Conclusion : Patients with CRF have hypercoagulable state and CAPD can relieve the hypercoagulability to a certain extent .

  13. OSAS大鼠炎症反应增强、血液高凝状态、高同型半胱氨酸血症,可能是OSAS发生缺血性脑卒中的发病机制。

    Inflammatory response increasing , blood hypercoagulability and hyperhomocysteinemia of OSAS rats may be the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke resulted from OSAS .

  14. 【结论】PT、APTT不能及时反映孕妇体内的高凝状态,不能作为早期诊断产科早期DIC的敏感指标。

    [ Conclusions ] PT and APTT can not early reflect coagulation state and can not be used as sensitive parameters for early diagnosis of DIC .

  15. 结论机械瓣膜置换术后的24h内机体处于低凝状态,易发生非外科性出血;24~48h逐渐进入明显的高凝状态,应适时抗凝治疗。

    Conclusions The blood is in hypocoagulable state during 24 h after operation and in hypercoagulable state after operation 24-48 h undergoing mechanical heart valve replacement patients .

  16. 但是,停止UK注射后即出现PAI反弹现象,PA和纤溶酶活性随之降低,说明溶栓早期存在反常的高凝状态。

    However , immediately after treatment PAI activity showed again an significant increase ( PAI rebound phenomenon ), suggesting the existence of an abnormal procoagulant state in the early stage of thrombolytic treatment .

  17. 结果上矢状窦血栓最常见的病因是产褥期血液高凝状态,3例未查到明确诱因的青年男性患者,血清中E2↑、E2↑、T↑。

    Results The most common reason of SSST was hypercoagulable state of perinatal period . 3 of cases of idiopathic made patients showed elevated E2 and E2 / T value .

  18. 结果发现:(1)PD组与正常对照组相比里高凝状态,并区PD组患者的高凝倾向比CRF组及HD组患者更严重;

    The results showed : 1 . PD group had hypercoagulable state than NC group . The prothrombotic state in PD patients was most severe in contrast with CRF patients and HD patients .

  19. 我们在临床中发现MODS患者在进行CBP治疗后,很多患者的凝血紊乱得以纠正,高凝状态改善,但出血并发症仍是常见的并发症之一,即使采用无肝素CBP,仍有部分患者出现出血现象。

    We find hypercoagulabale state was improved in most patients with MODS by CBP . But hemorrhagic complication are common among CBP patients even if without anticoagulation .

  20. 提示蛇毒抗栓酶可能通过提高tPA及6-K-PGF1α含量纠正高凝状态和纤溶功能低下,使基础治疗更能发挥作用。

    It was showed that Svate-3 could correct hypercoagulability and improve fibrinolysis function by raising the contents of tPA and 6-k-PGF1 α, so it could improve the basal treatment .

  21. ET水平的增高加重了血管内皮细胞损伤,后者又促使抗凝物、促凝物调节进一步失衡和纤溶活性降低,加重血液的高凝状态。

    Hypoxia causes the injury of the endothelial cells which is aggravated by the elevated ET level and leads to further disequilibrium between blood coagulation and anticoagulation substances , lowered fibrinolytic activity and marked hypercoagulability status of the blood .

  22. 结论血液的高凝状态是缺血性脑卒中并发LDVT的主要因素。

    Conclusion Hypercoagulable states was the high - risk group .

  23. 结论积极纠正低血容量、高凝状态以及避免过度降压是控制CWI的关键。

    Conclusions To improve insufficient blood volume , hyper-coagulation states and avoid overdecreased blood pressure are important for prevention of CWI .

  24. 结论:妊娠期血液呈高凝状态,PT不能及时灵敏反映妊娠期孕妇血液的高凝状态,不能作为早期诊断产科DIC的敏感指标,DD、FM对早期诊断产科DIC有重要临床意义。

    PT had no correlation with DD , FM and FIB . Conclusion Blood of pregnant women is in hypercoagulable state , DD and FM are very important to diagnose DIC in obstetric department early .

  25. 结论冠状动脉支架术有可能因内皮损伤与手术激惹,激活白细胞与血管内皮细胞过度分泌PAF而导致的高凝状态与过度炎性反应情况的存在。

    Conclusions Probably because of endothelium damage and irritation in the operation , the stent in the coronary artery makes the leucocytes and vascular endothelio cytes secret PAF excessively , resulting in hypercoagulabale state and excess inflammatory reaction .

  26. 目的研究蛇毒抗高凝状态酶(AHCSE)对人肝癌细胞BEL-7404的作用及其可能的作用机制。

    Objective-To investigate the efficacy of antihypercoagulability state enzyme ( AHCSE ) on human hepatocellular carcinoma BEL-7404 cells and probe into its function .

  27. 结论AMI、UAP患者存在异常激活的高凝状态,TF触发的外源性凝血途径,在冠状动脉血栓形成中发挥作用。

    Conclusions There exists abnormally activated hyper-coagulation state in patients with AMI and patients with UAP . TF is recognized as the initial trigger of the extrinsic coagulation pathway which plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of coronary thrombosis .

  28. 结论:IL-6能刺激TXA2和Fbg的分泌以及引起TXA2/PCI2的失衡和高凝状态,这些作用可能与IL-6加重疾病、预后恶化有关。

    Conclusion : IL - 6 can stimulate TXA2 and fibrinogen secretion , and induce TXA2 / PGI2 imbalance and hyper - coagulation status . These actions may be associated with the deterioration of the prognosis by IL - 6 .

  29. 结论可能部分原发性肺癌存在血液高凝状态,易合并Trousseau综合征。

    Conclusion There exists the hypercoagulable state in blood for the parts of the primary lung cancer and it is easy to be complicated with Trousseau 's syndrome .

  30. 目的:采用血栓弹力图(thrombelastograph,TEG)评价股骨闭合骨折术前的凝血状况,并探讨TEG在评价股骨骨折术前高凝状态的意义。

    Objective : To evaluate the preoperative thromboxane functions in closed fracture of the femur by thrombelastograph ( TEG ), and evaluate the significance of TEG in blood hypercoagulable state .