
  • 网络High speed rotation;spin;on the fly;RAPID SPIN
  1. 为了释放电子,必须使电子高速旋转而足以摆脱原子核的束缚。

    To free electrons , something has to make them whirl fast enough to break away from their nuclei .

  2. 基于ANSYS的高速旋转刀具系统离心力效应的分析

    Analysis by ANSYS for Effect of Centrifugal Force on Tool System at High Rotational Speed

  3. 当我们在天空中进行了多次高速旋转后,我们返回了黑泽机场,查看eclipse着陆的容易程度。

    After making enough high-speed holes in the sky we return to Blackpool to see how easy the eclipse is to land .

  4. 新型高速旋转电弧窄间隙MAG焊接

    A new rotating arc process for narrow gap MAG welding

  5. 本文研究由跃变磁场产生的绕轴高速旋转的电子束环(E层)产生毫米波相干辐射的特性。

    Properties of coherent radiation of millimeter wave generated by a intense rotating annular relativistic electron beam ( E-layer ) which is from a cusp magnetic field are investigated .

  6. 在限定空间范围内,采用CAD/CAE技术设计了垂直高速旋转式水松纸切割装置(VerticalHigh-speedRotaryTippingpaper-cuttingDevice,简称VHRTD)。

    A vertical high-speed rotary tipping paper-cutting device ( VHRTD ) is designed by using of CAD / CAE technology in limited scope .

  7. 在干燥过程中,氮气环境下置于卡盘中的晶圆通过高速旋转,来加速其表面IPA的蒸发。

    And wafers will be put in cassettes under Nitrogen environment to make IPA evaporate by high speed revolution .

  8. 计算表明,常温下C60高速旋转,随着温度降低,旋转速度逐渐减小,并且旋转轴向也逐渐趋于单一。

    C60 molecule rotates rapidly at room temperature ; the rotation rate decreases and the rotational axes tend to ordering as temperature becomes lower .

  9. 为了在真实的体积空间内重建三维图像,利用高速旋转的发光二极管(LED)面阵列作为显示媒介,以PIC单片机为核心组成控制电路建立了体三维显示系统。

    A volumetric 3D display system using high speed rotating light-emitting-diode ( LED ) matrix panel and control circuit comprised of PIC microcontroller and other components was introduced to display 3D images in real space .

  10. VED具有结构紧凑、使用方便、减振效果好、成本低等优点,而在高速旋转机械中有较为广泛的应用。

    VED are used some abroad in high-speed rotating machinery for its simple , convenience , good vibration suppress , low costs .

  11. 喷气涡流纺(MVS)是一种借助压缩空气形成高速旋转涡流场,对自由端纤维凝聚、加捻、成纱的纺纱技术。

    Jet-vortex spinning ( MVS ) is one kind of spinning based on high speed whirled airflow created by compressed air which converges and twists open-end fibers to form the finished vortex yarn .

  12. 高速旋转的盘片振动模态的仿真

    Simulation of Vibration Mode Shapes of Disks Spinning at High Speed

  13. 高速旋转实验机的监控系统设计研究

    Research and Design of Monitor System for the High-speed Rotary Equipment

  14. 高速旋转物体温度的非接触检测及控制

    Non-Contact Measurement and Control of Temperature of High Speed Spinning Objects

  15. 高速旋转时无紧拧和易碎现象。

    Time vertiginate , the nothing twists tightly and fragile phenomenon .

  16. 高速旋转弹丸弹道修正原理分析及仿真

    Trajectory Correction Principle Analysis and Simulation Research of High-speed Rotating Projectile

  17. 高速旋转构件应力、应变的红外遥测

    The infrared telemetering of stress-strain field of high speed turning part

  18. 高速旋转引信弹道簧的受力和变形分析

    Analysis of Mechanical Characteristics of Ballistic Spring Under High Rotation Speed

  19. 有关结论可以为高速旋转条件下发动机设计提供参考。

    These conclusions can present some references to the rocket design .

  20. 高速旋转的滚动轴承工作游隙影响因素的分析

    Factors Affecting Radial Internal Clearance of Operating High-Speed Rolling Bearing

  21. 固体火箭发动机高速旋转试验台设计

    Design of Rocket Engine Test - bed with High - speed Rotation

  22. 高速旋转状态下的主轴/刀柄联结特性

    Performance of spindle / toolholder interfaces under high rotary speed

  23. 自动高速旋转电弧焊的发展和应用

    Development and application of automatic high speed rotation arc welding

  24. 橡胶O型圈阻尼器在高速旋转台上的应用研究

    Application of elastomer O-rings damper in high speed spin tester

  25. 高速旋转机械故障智能诊断系统的研究

    Research about Fault Intelligent Diagnosis of High Speed Rotating Machinery

  26. 高速旋转叶片振动实时监测系统研究

    Research on Real-time Measuring System for High - speed Rotating Blade Vibration

  27. 高速旋转刀具系统的振动分析及控制途径

    Analysis and Control Method for Vibration of High Speed Rotating Tool System

  28. 高速旋转体的光纤温度传感器的实验研究

    Study of Fibre-Optic Temperature Sensor for High Speed Rotary Object

  29. 高速旋转电机轴流风叶周边变形的估算公式

    A formula for the blade periphery distortion in high-speed spinning axial flows

  30. 二氯化镁球形载体的制备中,采用了高速旋转喷雾法。

    Spherical MgCl_2 supports are produced by spraying under high speed revolution .